Telling the guys pt.1

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Patrick's p.o.v.
I wake up and look at my clock. 12:30. I wonder why I slept so late and then all the things that happened last night come back to me and I smile. I still can't believe that I'm a dad. Wait. Where's ryland? I start to panic.
"Ryland?!" I yell out
I hear giggles coming from the closet door so I play along
" oh no I've lost ryland what am I gonna do. I guess I should look under the bed"
More giggles
" nope not there. Maybe she's behind the curtain"
More giggling .
"Nope. Not there. Well then I guess there's only one place I haven't checked."
I open the closet door
" BOO" she says. God she's so adorable. Then it hits me. I haven't told the guys.
I decide it would be best to have them come over so I text them all to come over.

Ps: hey guys I need you all to come over I have something kinda important to talk to you about
Pw: sure what time
Ps: Like in 20?
Ah: I'll be there
Jt: me too.
Perfect I better go get Ryland ready since we're both still in our pajamas.
" baby girl we need to get ready. Some of daddies friends are coming over to meet you."
Ryland runs away from me to hide after screaming " NO!" What's gotten into her.
" honey we need to so they can get to know you. I know it can be scary but I'm sure they'll love you. Okay?" I try to call her nerves a bit. " are you sure daddy. Mommy would tell me her friends would like me... But they never did." She looked so sad when she said that. Who could ever dislike this adorable girl. " I know they will" " daddy?" "Yes princess" I'm trying out different names seeing which go best I suppose. " will you sing to me?" " yes of course. I will while we get you dressed okay?" " OKAY?!" She's so excited it adorable ( listen to lullaby by fall out boy if you choose) " I decide on lullaby because it seems the most fitting not sure why.
-time skip-
Patrick's pov.
Almost done singing American sweethearts when I hear a knock at the door. " that's daddies friends okay? " " okay..." She still sounds a little scared... I hope this goes good...

Thank you guys so much for being patient with me for so long I deleted the app when my mental health got bad and I just reinstalled it and decided to finally finish this story!!! Hopefully many more chapters to come soon. Also don't hesitate to drop ideas or suggestions in the comments below! Thanks
Youngblood over and out!

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