An Austere Case

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All had been well in the little town of MontKi they've got the top detective and is on his best trails.

He'd been born there and never left that place, save for call of duty.

He lives in Rusty Manor, as villagers call it, it is his late grandmothers manor. It was given to him in her will.

He never complained about it like he complains about many things. He has no friends of any particular, like any other stubborn geniuses in the world. He's well known for being a great detective and the annoying one and cares less about this. I do think he has friends but keeps it between them.

Three in the afternoon is the time when people walk around parks and shops. Not knowing that in dark corners of that afternoon crimes are being committed.

I visited Detective Dylans house that afternoon, to have coffee and a little chat with him. My day had been boring and knowing him he always has interesting stuffs in his life. He permits me be there as long as I dont say a word, and here I say chat.

Chat between the two of us means him talking all the time or silence between us. Today was quite different for he allowed me to say something and suggest.

"Ah there you are Steven...Sit down please."

With coffee cup in my hand I roam around pacing and listening to him intently. I was leaning near the window pane when I saw a young lady in light blue dress pacing up and down the street in front of Dylans gate. Without saying a word he replied my thought.

"Leave her be, if she wants to inquire she'll come." He said in a cool deep voice. He resumed his reading and left me still watching the young lady. An hour had passed and she was gone.

I was asked to accompany him the next day. He had not been called for days now and wants to occupy his mind with other things. Dylan not only a Detective he used to be a Professor at a famous University, but his detective works demanded time, he then sacrificed his profession to follow his career. He said students these days are unbearable, most heads are empty, there are few whom he has his eye on to be professionals someday but most of them he thinks are airheads,such a rude word but he says it fits them well, and only got money that's why they were admitted to the University.

Though unlike other geniuses he doesn't like chess, he said it's all boxed. I don't know if he said that to humor me or he really think so. I like chess but I'm not a chess wizard, I'm just a simple music teacher. He would sometimes ask me to flip the dust of his upright and play Beethoven for him. That is when he appreciates me and my presence.

Today the lady came once again but unlike yesterday she darted directly inside the house.

"Sorry for intruding at this hour Mr. De la Cruz," she turned to me and said, "Maestro." She continued with a curtsy then came towards Dylan. She whispered something and to that Dylan ran towards the room under the stairs. Upon his return he was holding a bundle of clothes and gave it to her. They must have seen my confused face for both smiled at me.

He escorted her to his room and went back to me. We resumed our talk as if we did not have a guest.

At the middle of our chat about politician whom he knows very well to be corrupt, we were interrupted by a sudden appearance of a young boy who shook Dylans hands with such strength and smiled at me. I didnt realize who he was until he was outside.

"Was that the lady...?" my words faded away with Dylans smile. I was fooled, I did not even realized the clothes which she was wearing.

Perhaps my mind was too occupied about the politicians which he wont reveal to me. Dylan is a good six feet and the lady barely reached his shoulders, he had to lean so she could reach his ear. So how his clothes could fit her? He explained to me that it was his old clothes, when he was young. He was keeping them for important events such as this. I wanted to ask him about this little affair but he started another conversation that was not easy to resist listening to.

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