Part 1

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I should have been the girl that nobody noticed, I almost was. I used to walk the hallways of my school and almost no one would notice me. I didn't want to be noticed, I wanted to be invisible. I love being alone, I wasn't one of those girls who lived to gossip, while they found their happiness in gossip and drama I found mine in silence and a good book.

Silence always ends up being broken eventually and it was finally broken on my 16th birthday when I failed to shift into my wolf. Now I'm just known as "that girl" that cant shift or "that girl" who's weak. I cant even walk down the hallway without getting looks of hatred or disgust. The only person who doesn't truly hate me is my brother Keon, to keep his reputation at school he acts as if he hates me but at home we are the perfect brother and sister. I don't mind much just as long as he doesn't turn into my sister.

My sister Addilyn, or Addy as people like to call her, doesn't have the same views as my brother. Addilyn absolutely despises me, according to her I'm a "weak disgusting pup". My parents just pretend I was never born, apparently I'm too much of a disappointment. I must admit it hurts to know my whole family and pack hate me.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Fable Zeke the resident "weak pup", I am short with black hair with blue tips and dull green eyes. I wasn't someone you could call attractive or cute. My brother Keon is tall and muscular with short brown hair and blue eyes. Also known as the resident "heart-throb", he's the person every guy wants to be and the guy every girl wants to be with. It's hard to tell we are even related, not that anyone would look. Me and my brother are turning seventeen in a few months while Addilyn is turning seventeen in six. Addilyn is tall slim and beautiful with platinum blonde hair (dyed) and blue eyes, you could call her the "queen bee" at our school and one of my worst tormentors.

I was woken up by my dog licking my face.

"Andronikos leave me alone."

I swatted at him but it was no use, this damn dog never gave up licking my face in the mornings. He served as a good alarm clock though.

"Fine I'm up, I'm up."

I love my little Italian greyhound but sometimes he's just so annoying. After dragging myself to the shower and getting changed I grabbed my school bag and went downstairs for breakfast. As usual my parents ignored me and my sister glared at me as I walked into the kitchen, after searching through the fridge I finally settled on a vanilla yoghurt. After finishing my breakfast I put some lunch in my bag and started to walk to school when my brother called out to me.

"Hey Fable, do you want a ride?" I thought about it for a moment and finally decided.

"No, you know I like to walk to school"I replied, I rarely get lifts from him any more.

"All right then, see you later."

Since he didn't need to leave as early as me he went back inside as I continued to school. I walked through the woods on my way to school enjoying the sounds of animals and the trees around me. The wind sang a song to me as it whistled through the trees, I had always loved the woods. It was natural behaviour for a wolf to love the woods, I spent every minute I could in the woods and I hadn't even shifted yet. I'd even gone as far as learning how to survive on my own in the woods, and I would often spend nights in the woods when my family became too much for me. My brother new I would leave at night but he didn't know where I went and I'm glad he didn't ask about it often.

As I arrived at school I kept my head down and tried to seem invisible as I walked through the halls of my high school. People continued to call me horrible names like every other day but I just ignored it. I'm glad the Alpha is against physical abuse in our pack because other wise I would get beat up evry day at school, the only reason they don't already do that is because they are too scared of what the alpha would do to them if he found out.

I went straight to my first class and sat in the last row near the window. People knew this was my seat and they didn't bother sitting anywhere near me otherwise they might get my 'disease' as people liked to call it. First up was maths, lucky I'm good at maths otherwise i would have hated this class even more that I already do. The teacher ignored me once again and i finished our assigned work within 20 minutes of the lesson. The rest of my lessons passed by in a blur until it was finally lunch time. I went to the library court yard and sat in my usual seat up against an old tree and pulled out my lunch and a book. I'm not trying to brag or anything but I'm an excellent cook and I make myself the best lunches ever. Today I ate chicken and pesto lasagne while i read my book and tried not to get food on it.

"Mm mm so damn good." I moaned at the taste, it's like candy canes on Christmas. And yes i just quoted Mouse, don't judge. Too soon the bell rang signalling i had to go back to my hell of a reality, school. The rest of the day was uneventful, the pack continued to either ignore me or spit foul words at me and I continued to ignore them back.

My best days are the ones I get extra food for lunch, nothing exciting ever happens to me, well not yet anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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