Chapter 3

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     "We condemn every action of terrorism worldwide. There is no place for terrorism in our communities and we denounce anyone that thinks otherwise," Nedim spoke confidently into the mic. He hated being put in this spot, especially since he was unable to reach Iman after that mysterious phone call. Islam didn't equate terrorism. That was his main point. He coudn't understand why anyone would consider his peaceful religion as being the most violent in history. 

     He headed back into the mosque and came face-to-face with Ahmed Hashemi, best friend and brother of Dawood Khan. The man looked as if he had aged considerably in the past few days. His usual cheerful and bright eyes were hidden behind dark circles. He looked at Nedim with a frown before quickly advancing and pinning him against the wall. There was rage behind the usually demure man's eyes, a rage Nedim had never seen or ever envisioned before.

     "Brother Ahmed, what are you doing?" Nedim coughed as he fought against Ahmed's newfound superhuman strength.

     "What the f**k were you thinking? Huh?" Ahmed growled as his arm pressed against Nedim's throat. 

     "What are you talking about?" Nedim coughed once Ahmed pulled away from him. He rubbed his throat and coughed before looking up at the tall man.

     "Dawood isn't a terrorist. YOU know that better than anyone, so how could you damn him like that? How could you be such a b***h, Nedim?" Ahmed asked simply.

     Nedim looked at Ahmed in surprise. He had never seen or heard such language and anger from Ahmed. The man barely ever had a frown on his face and now he was cursing Nedim out in the middle of their mosque. 

     "I don't know what you're talking about, Brother Ahmed. I do-," Nedim began, but was interrrupted by Ahmed.

     "Shut up! I'm NOT your damned brother. Just shut the hell up. You don't know what I'm talking about? What about that shitty interview you gave out there? You didn't defend Dawood at all, in fact you made it seem like he DID do the shit they blame him with," Ahmed whispered vehemently. 

     "You don't know what I have to deal with here. You don't know how invasive the media and the police are. You have no idea how I'm trying to manage the situation here!" Nedim retaliated. He was an imam, a leader in the Islamic community. He had never dreamed of being put in the situation he was currently in. He never dreamed that a member of his own congregation would be blamed for an act of terrorism, ever. 

     "I don't know what you have to deal with? Screw what you have to deal with. My sister-in-law and niece are homeless. The government took their house because of their false allegations against Dawood. I don't even know if he's dead or alive and not ONE-NOT ONE of you all bothered to defend him! He stood up for all of you. Every last one of you and you threw him under the bus to protect your damn lives!" Ahmed exclaimed menacingly. 

     "Dad?" Damir called out as he now stood in the hallway. 

     "Ask yourself, what would you have said if Damir was the one they had blamed," Ahmed whispered one last time before storming out of the mosque. Nedim was visibly shaken. He had never seen Ahmed lose his cool like that before. What did he mean that the government had taken Iman and Dawood's house? 

     "Why was Uncle Ahmed yelling at you? Why did he say that Khadijah is homeless?" Damir asked as he helped steadying his father.

     "You heard him?" Nedim asked in surprise. He didn't want his children to be subjected to the harsh realities of the world so soon. He knew that Damir was a teenager and would eventually see the world for what it was, but as his father, Nedim wanted to protect him. 

     "Why didn't you say anything about Uncle Dawood, Dad?" Damir whispered while avoiding his father's gaze.

      "This wasn't the time," Nedim tried justifying his stance.

      "No one is speaking for him. He was never close with his family and the only ones that are putting up a fight are being targeted by the government. Khadijah is homeless, Dad. She's like five years old. Do you think Uncle Dawood did it?" Damir whispered in disbelief. 

      "What? N-no. Why would I think that?" Nedim asked in anger.

     "Because you're not acting any different than the people out there, Dad. You always told us to stand up when we see any wrongdoing. There's nothing worse than what's happening now. Uncle Dawood wa- IS a hero. He fought for this country. He fought for this mosque. He fought for the dead Muslim soldiers that weren't being prayed for here. I don't know why you won't speak up, Dad, because if now's not the time, when will it be?" Damir asked before wordlessly leaving his dad behind. 


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