Corin James Stevenson

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Corin James Stevenson: Age 16

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Background: Corin is a demigod, Son of Pluto. As such, he has a special talent that not many have. He can literally sense his surroundings, in almost a radar type way. Those ants climbing up that tree? Yeah, he saw them. And besides that, he can move the earth. Corin is a born leader, and one of the Roman Praetors at Camp Jupiter. He takes his job very seriously, and is therefore usually serious. He came to help in the search for the kids, but ends up going on the quest. He is close with Jason, who was his mentor.

Good Traits: Leader, Brave, Smart (Although not as smart as Eva, which he is reminded of constantly.)

Negative Traits: Inflexible, Pretentious.

Fatal flaw: Stubborn


Bleu & Corin: He isn't used to Bleu's sarcasm and constant sass, and finds him somewhat annoying; until he learns that everything doesn't have to be controlled.

Robin & Corin: Robin scares him a little; since he's sure she could beat him up and turn him into an inanimate object. As well as burn him to a crisp. He likes her, but she's still scary.

Eva & Corin: Something about Eva makes him so incredibly light. She takes away all the problems and stress he gets. Maybe it's her pretty eyes, or maybe her bubbly laugh. She makes him feel younger than he has since he took the Praetor job.

Sarah & Corin: She's wild, impulsive, and completely confusing. She always has to go, go, go and he is the type that likes to stop, think, and then go. She helps him loosen up, and actually make friends, but at what cost?

Jace & Corin: Jace used to be at Camp Jupiter, and Corin remembers being friends with him back then. He respects him greatly, and becomes friends with him.

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