Chapter 14

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A/N : VERY IMPORTANT A/N AT THE END! Can someone please tell me what number this story stands in the Popular Fanfics? I want to know!! I didn't even know it was up there?! (x Oh and please check out Truth About Love its the sequel to Love Comes In Mysterious Ways both books are amazing and writen by JackieAndSabby ive been a fan of theres since forever (: amazing writing, go check them out!

But please tell me what number i am!!!!!!


Chapter 14 : Her Weakness

{ Abbie's POV }

Once we got in the car Niall started asking questions.

"Who are they?" "Do you know them?" "How do they know you?" "How did they know you we're at the beach?" "What did he want?"

He just kept on asking, question after question.

I finally reached my point, grabbed his face and shut him up with a kiss.

He was shocked by my action but eventually kissed me back.

Louis was driving and said "Wow El, why don't you shut me up that way?"

Eleanor playfully hit his arm, "Because if I did, you'd never shut up"

Me and Niall smiled into the kiss.

When we finally pulled away, "I'll let it slide this time babe. But don't think I'm not gonna keep asking questions" he's said.


"Goodbye!" I waved to Louis and Eleanor.

"It was nice to meet you Abbie!" El shouted from the car.

I smiled and intertwined my fingers with Niall's.

Niall walked me up to the gate. Then he faced me.

"I still need to know about what happened in the beach" he said nearly whispering as he stroked my cheek and held my hand.

"Is there something your hiding from me Abbie?"

I looked straight into his clear blue eyes.

"No" I lied.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

Come on Abbie, just tell him. Tell him your Princess Abigail, tell him the truth. Why was it so hard to tell him!!

"I'm sure" and I lied again, with a reassuring smile.

Your such a great liar Abbie. I said to my self with regret.

Lying to the person you loved wasn't easy.

"Well, goodnight then babe" he said and kissed me passionately. Once again I felt him smile into the kiss, so did I. Once he pulled away he kissed my forehead, and gave me a hug.

"I'll text you" he said, then walked to Louis' car.

I started walking back "Hey Abbie?" I heard Niall's voice and I turned around.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I love you" he said with a cute smile and nod.

I blushed and repeated his words.

"I love you too. More than you'd ever know"

"Not as much as me" he said then kept walking.

I went inside the castle and Charlie was there waiting for me at the door.

"I saw all that" she said. "I love you" Mimicking me and Niall.

"Oh shut up Charlie!" I said and hit her arm.

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