Chapter 9

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Cher's POV

I decided to wear my old hoodie and jeans when I went over to Sarah's house that evening. When I walked into the living room I noticed they were watching Juno.

"Hey, guys." I said as I sat beside Dinah.

"Oh, hiya." Dinah passed the popcorn bowl over to me. "Popcorn? It's toffee, your fave!"

"Sure." I grabbed a handful. I'd been feeling very hungry because, obviously, I was pregnant. 

I soon realised Juno was about a pregnant 16 year old, Juno, who after having sex with her friend, decides to give her baby to a married couple. As I watched, I began to cry a little bit and by the end, I was sobbing.

"Cher, you OK?" Dinah asked me. 

"No. Um, guys give me a minute? I'll be right back." I quickly ran to the loo and threw up.

"Cher, what's wrong?" Sarah and Dinah knocked on the bathroom door.

I opened the door and looked into their eyes. I could trust them, they were my friends. I took a deep breath and said, "I'm pregnant."

"Really?" Sarah said.

"With Tyler's baby?" Dinah asked.

I nodded. 

"Oh, come here!" Sarah and Dinah pulled me in for a big hug. "Are you going to keep it?"

"Yeah. I've got the support of Zoe, my sister." I smiled.

"And us of course!" Dinah told me.

"Have you told him?" Zoe asked.

"No. I've decided not to because he's got a new girlfriend so..." I shrugged my shoulders to show I wasn't bothered.

"As long as you're OK."

I feel quite lucky to be honest. Most pregnant girls my age, or even younger, wouldn't have much support but with me I have my sister and my two bestest friends.

The next morning, there was a knock on the door. Since I was just lying down in bed, Zoe answered it. Then I heard her say angrily "Go away! She doesn't want to see you!" and slam the door.

I climbed out of bed and ran outside. "Tyler! Tyler, wait!" 

Tyler walked back. "Cher? Bloody hell, you've gained a lot of weight!"

I looked down, sadly. "I'm pregnant."

"What? Oh, right. Um, sorry I said that. So you've got a new boy then?" Tyler asked.

"No." I shook my head.

"Well, then who's the dad then?" 

I looked Tyler in the eyes and after about five seconds, he realised.

"Hang on. I'm the dad? But, when - oh yeah, that night and well that other night too. Well, um..." Tyler sighed and looked away. "I don't know what to say or do. I mean, I've just started college. They'll kick me out if they ever find out and my Dad will kill-" Tyler looked back at me. "Sorry, Cher. I really am. I can't do this." He shook his head and he was gone.

I didn't know why I burst into tears. What did I expect? For him to be overwhelmed with joy that he would father my child and then marry me so we could play Happy Families? Yeah, right. Like that was going to ever happen. 

I cradled my small bump and walked back inside. Who needs Tyler anyway? Definitely not me.

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