Untitled Part 1

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Friendship; Such a simple word

Explaining bonding between two

Something described as human nature.

It's something they are teaching

That a human is a social being

And everyone needs a friend.

Many times have I tried

To do as I was told and make friends

Just to find I didn't know what it meant.

Over the years there were those who

As their fried they would describe me

Not knowing what was inside me.

It's not like I didn't want to

I wasn't given a choice in the matter

Never having what others had.

No matter what I will do

I'll never be able to feel frieship

Like other people usually do.

It's a simple truth of my life

Being limited in certain areas

Marking me as a freak once again.

There is nothing I can do

It's part of my whole being

I just miss some feelings.

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