I Love You

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A/N: Hii guys I honestly can't believe this story has gotten over 3,000 reads! It's really incredible and the fact that this story barely has 7 parts! I love all of you guys so fucking much! You don't understand how happy I am that this story has gotten this far and its STILL in development! Thank you guys so so much! oh and by the way I might start another Larry AU fanfic? i'm not sure if I'm gonna start it now or after this story is over...if you guys want to know about it Fan to me today! anyways i should start writing the chapter haha also sorry for the long wait! I had a slight writer's block :) xx


It was a regular autumn day for Harry. He was currently watering his plants with the long green water hose he held in his hand. It was a nice day out considering the fact winter was just around the corner. Harry was wearing a very small but yet again over sized jumper that belonged to Louis. Louis had left it at his house a few nights ago when they we're watching a sappy old fashioned romantic movie on the couch all while Flower had fallen asleep on Louis' lap. Oh it was an adorable sight to see. But anyways back to Harry he was also wearing matching trousers with some old worn out black Converse and of course a flower crown at the top of his head to match the outfit.

Harry silently hummed to a song he'd heard the night before and it was now stuck in his head. Flower came by over to him and meowed a bit loudly at him. He looked down at Flower and patted her on the head softly chuckling over his shoulder as the little fluff ball meowed even more. Harry looked up and was surprised to see Louis standing there in front of him. Harry smiled down at him as if it was their little routine of some sort. Harry didn't remember hearing the front door open nor close he'd decided that Louis had let himself in not that it bothered Harry. Oh no he was the one who told Louis he was welcome to come to his house whenever he wanted. "Hi Harry" Louis smiled at him "H-hi Lou.." Harry stuttered out blushing a light shade of scarlett.

Louis smiled sheepishly at him. He noticed that Harry was wearing his jumper and it actually fit Harry very well ignoring the fact that Harry is taller than him and Louis is shorter and tinier. "Nice outfit" Louis complimented smiling at Harry "I-uh...Listen I'm sorry if your-" Louis cut him off. "Harry it's fine, it actually looks really good on you" Louis assured. Harry was quite insecure about himself and whenever Louis complimented him he never believed him. He didn't see how Louis thought he was cute, adorable, charming, cheeky...and the list goes on. Harry really didn't understand how Louis could think those things about him. If anything Harry thought he was the complete opposite of those things. He described himself as socially awkward, shy as hell, mute, and a fuck up even though he rarely used foul language.

"Oh..okay" Harry smiled slightly rolling up his sleeves up to his elbows. "Harry uhm...the reason I-I came here is because.." Louis trailed off. Today was the day Louis was going to ask Harry out and even if he got rejected he wouldn't regret anything. Though he really really hoped Harry wouldn't say no but yet again he didn't quite know whether he was going to get rejected or not. Harry clueless as ever went back to watering another plant, then looked up at Louis once again waiting for him to continue his sentence. "I am going to ask you a very very important question.." Louis nippled at his lower lip gently as the words left his mouth. "And that is?.." Harry asked a little more curious than before.

Louis gulped, the palms of his hands started to heat up and sweat and that point he wasn't sure if he was actually ready to ask Harry out. Though he had told himself billions and billions of times he wasn't going to coward out when the time came. But now at this point he wasn't sure if he was actually going to. The little voice in his head kept on yelling at him such things as 'do it already' 'Harry is probably getting tired of waiting you twat!' 'ask already you idiot!' yeah his conscious wasn't the nicest. Louis wiped off the sweat off his palms on his black jeans with a few holes here and there. Harry noticed and asked him if he need water and if he was okay. Louis was everything but okay. His brain couldn't even function correctly he was feeling all sorts of emotions. Worried, scared, happy....and most importantly nervous. But he casually answered he was fine.

"W-well....." Louis stuttered, what was he even going to say he thought. He wouldn't of just blurted out 'oh do you wanna go out with me?' no he wanted to make Harry feel special and loved. He didn't just want to be too straight forward that wasn't romantic at all. Louis looked up at a cherry blossom above him, he reached up to grab one of the many cherry blossoms that hung on the branches of the beautiful tree. He looked down at it as if it was the most interesting thing in the whole world. "I was....wondering" Louis said after a tremendously long pause between the pair.

Harry stopped watering staring intently at the flower in Louis' hand. Louis sputtered over his words. "Are you okay, Lou?" Harry asked worriedly turning his body to fully face Louis' slightly quivering one. Harry was getting a bit worried. Louis had never acted this way before. he was always so calm and charismatic. And towards most people , very collected. He didn't seem to be the type of person who would do these things. It could be interpreted in two ways. Either Louis had something devastating to say or something of the completely opposite angle, and Harry hoped wholeheartedly it wasn't the latter.

"Y-yeah I'm okay.." Louis assured Harry slightly stuttering. It wasn't a complete lie Louis was okay for the most part. The other part he completely wasn't. It just simply couldn't be described and yet it could at the same time. It was very complicated for the most part if you wanted to put it that way of course.

Louis really had to say something now. He was really worried but he wouldn't just say nothing at all! Poor Harry here was worried for his own good. Yet little did he know how fast Louis' heart was beating. He swore it was audible to even Flower for fuck's sake! Maybe he was justvgetting  a little paranoid about the situation. "As I was saying though....."  Louis spoke softly.

"I've been thinking about this for a really long time Harry and..I can't believe I'm doing this to be completely honest with you because I don't know where this will go..." Louis began. "That night I moved in, that exact night Harry we became friends. I never thought we would become friends nor speak to each other. It's not a bad thing of course it's just...really unexpected since ya'know we're completely opposites on the outside" Louis took a small breath and continued on with his speech. "I mean I'm a punk rocker that plays electric guitar, works at a tattoo parlor, body covered in ink and metal. And then there's you, Harry, you work at a bakery, wear flower crowns and spend most of your time building up and taking care of this beautiful garden. Mean while not having one bit of ink or metal on your skin" Harry didn't even noticed his water hose was watering the same plant for too long because he was so caught up in Louis' speech. He forgot about everything except for Louis. "Throughout these months we've gotten to know each other more and more. Got closer and closer to each other despite how different we are. And Harry throughout these months and our little messages sent across windows I think I've fallen in love with you Harry. And that's why I'm standing here in front of you giving you this I guess you could call a bit clique speech of mine but I know one thing for sure." Louis stranded his hand out giving Harry the flower he had been holding.

"Harry will you do me the honor of being my beloved boyfriend?" Louis asked without regretting it one bit. And even if he for rejected it was worth it. Harry let go of the watering hose before replying "Yes Louis of course ill be your boyfriend!" And that the curly haired lad leaped up into Louis' arms. Ignoring the fact he was taller than him indeed. Louis didn't hesitate to put his arms around the boy either. He held him tightly extremely happy with himself. And Harry felt the same way.

They let go of each other for a moment. Blue eyes staring back at green ones. Neither boy was sure who made the first move but right now they were in the middle of a sweet, soft and playful kiss. They pulled apart for a minute. Eyes meeting each other again. Harry's heart beat was beating fast in his chest he couldn't believe what just had happened. He had gotten his first kiss -yeah it was embarrassing that he had only now gotten his first kiss but hey-. Both boys stared back at each other for a while before simultaneously saying 

"I love you".

The Boy Next Door - Larry Stylinson Fanfic AU (punk!louis and flowerchild!harry)Where stories live. Discover now