The Dead Captain

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Sir?.......Sir?......It's time to wake up Sir........Sir?

I try to wake him up but he is not budging, so I go and get the Medic. When I come back with the medic he pronounces that the captain died from an unknown cause. 

¨What are we supposed to do without a captain?¨  Said Alex

¨It looks like you're next in line for the mission.¨ Said the Medic

¨What mission?¨ Said Alex

¨The Mission to Space Sir¨ Said the Medic

¨Wait.........WHAT?!!?¨ Said Alex

¨Isn't there anyone else who can be captain?¨ Said Alex nervously

¨No Sir there isn't¨ Said the Medic

After that conversation I got really scared and I don't know what to. I go back to my bedroom facility, and I think about what and how I am going to be captain?!?!?!? Then all of a sudden i get a bang on my door. I opened it and there was no one their. So I look around and it didn't look like anyone was around. So I look down and notice a envelope marked with my name on it. So I bring it into my room  and read it. It said ¨Meet me in room 1313, I might be able to help you......¨So i went to room 1313 and i knocked on the door. It slid open and i walked in. When i walked in the door shut. Then all of a sudden i heard something break, the next thing i know the roof collapes on me. 

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