Run Away

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1 All my life I believed in vampires. There are hundreds of legends, that go back to the 1800s and earlier. Every night I would dream of these supernatural creatures, I was plagued by these nightmares. Every nightmare, would feel real, and it would feel like a memory. A terrifyingly horrible memory. Every time a nightmare occurred, I told my mom about them. Each and every time, she would dismiss them. She'd always tell me it was my crazy active imagination playing tricks on me.
Eventually I learned to keep my mouth shut. I accepted the fact that vampires didn't exist and that I was just a girl with a crazy over reactive imagination. At the young age of 17, my world flipped upside down. Literally.
May 23,2009
I had begged Elena  to take us to a party. Eventually Elena and I had snuck out of the house to attend a party, with her boyfriend, Matt Donovan, instead of going to family night. Matt picked us up, an hour before the party started, and it didn't take long to get there. Once we had arrived. Elena and Matt ditched me, and left me to fend for myself. I promised myself, that I wouldn't get drunk. So I steered clear of the alcohol. For hours, drunk guys and girls hit on me, asked me to dance, and downed as much moonshine as they could. When the party began to die down, I went to find Elena and Matt. I went walking down the road, thinking and searching for Elena and Matt. I figured that they might have gone into the woods to make out. As I walked further down the road, I spotted a man laying in the middle of the road.

" Lucy ?" asked a guy standing in the middle of the road.
"No – um – I" I began, then I looked behind me, making sure that the guy wasn't talking to someone else.
"I'm Audrey." I smiled.
"Oh, you – you just look...I'm sorry, you just really remind me of someone. I'm Damon." Damon smiled.
" Not to be rude or anything, Damon, but it's kind of creepy that you're out here in the middle of nowhere." I said as I slid my phone back into my pocket.
"You're one to talk. You're out here all by yourself." Damon commented.
"It's Mystic Falls. Nothing bad ever happens here." I pointed out.
There was a brief pause, before I spoke again.
"I don't know where I wanna go or what I want ." I admitted.
"About what? May I ask." Damon asked with genuine curiosity.
" Life, future, my sisters got it all mapped out for us." I admitted.
"And you don't want it?" Damon asked as he looked puzzled.
"I don't know what I want." I spoke.
"Well, that's not true. You want what everybody wants." Damon smiled.
"What, mysterious stranger who has all the answers?" I flirted a bit.
"Hm, well, let's just say I've been around a long time. I've learned a few things." Damon flirted back.
"So, Damon, tell me. What is it that I want?" I asked with a small smirk on my face.
Damon comes closer to me, and passion filled his eyes.

"You want a love that consumes you. You want passion, an adventure, and even a little danger." He said as he looked deeply into my eyes.
"So, what do you want?" I questioned.
A car horn beeped from behind me. I turned around and saw the my parents were here, and that Elena was already inside the car.

"It's my parents." I stated as I turned back around. I found that Damon was closer to me than before. He looked deep into my eyes, and spoke in such a soft and caring voice. I focused on his eyes, the pupils were moving in and out with a radiating vibe to them.

"I want you to get everything that you're looking for, but right now I want you to forget that this happened. Can't have people knowing that I'm in town yet. Goodnight, Audrey." Damon said, before my parent honked their horn again. I turned to look at them, and when I turned back, Damon was gone. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, and I walked to my parents car. That was such a weird conversation.
The car ride home was silent. I sat in the middle of the back seat and stared out the front wind shield. As we turned the corner and began to head towards Wickery Bridge. The headlights flashed over the trees, and I saw a person standing in the middle of the road. I gasped loudly, and yelled at my dad.
" Dad! Watch out!" I screamed.
My dad was surprised by my sudden outburst, and the car swerved. We crashed through the safety rail, and went straight into the water. The water poured quickly into the car, and the air was quickly escaping my lungs. The ice cold water and the impact from the crash caused me to shut down. The last thing I remember, before I fell unconscious, was my dad trying to get to Elena and I.
I awoke in the hospital, and received the tragic news of my parents death. My entire world came crashing down. A few weeks later, I left town. I packed a bag, and I traveled to Colorado, where I stayed for the next few months or so. After being away from my family- or what was left- I traveled back home, to Mystic Falls, Virginia.

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