Romantic St. (BoyxBoy)

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  • Dedicated to All Of You!

Romantic St.

I wrote this One-Shot as a thank you to my 5k+ following by highlighting what I have become known for: Comedic angst-y fluff. So, this is for you my lovely followers and others who happened to stumble up on it. 5000+ words as a way to dedicate this to my 5k+ following.


The first time Levi ever walked home alone was when he was just seven.

His mom had gone into labor and in the rush of things it had totally escaped his dad to pick him up from school that day. Levi didn’t blame him though, granted he did ponder what life with a baby sister would be like. He hoped that he wouldn’t be totally forgotten after his mom popped her out; but, considering today, he wouldn’t count on it.

He had waited in front of the large school by the steps for a full hour; watching as kid after kid was picked up by their parents or got on their bikes and went home before he decided to just walk. Besides, home was just one or four blocks away and he could have used the exercise seeing as he was the first person knocked out of the dodge ball game during P.E.

Before Levi was aware of why his dad didn’t pick him up from school, he ran possible scenarios in his head as he paced himself down the sidewalk. Because simply watching cars drive up and down whatever street he had turned on or birds somehow escape electrocution on those wires was mindlessly boring and he needed something to pass the time to make this walk feel shorter; even if only it was in his mind.

The most obvious one was that his dad had probably just fallen asleep in that comfy blue stained love seat like he always did every night when he was watching some basketball game that he forced Levi to watch him, even though he had shown total disinterest in them.

Or perhaps he and his mom had started playing those games in their bedroom again. Or, as they called it, ‘naked fighting’ that one time he walked in on them. But, soon Levi’s thoughts went from simple rational explanations to hasty paranoid conclusions because it wouldn’t be all that strange if his dad had died in a fire that he most likely started or perhaps that huge behemoth that his neighbors called a dog had escaped again and made a meal of his father who couldn’t outrun someone in a wheelchair, let alone a Rottweiler.

 Hands in pocket and thoughts wrapping him into an absent-minded haze as to why his dad hadn’t picked him up, Levi was oblivious to the fact that someone was moving into his quiet, small neighborhood. And he certainly didn’t notice when a soccer ball had been mistakenly kicked too hard and was aiming for the side of his face.

“Dude!” someone yelled and Levi slightly jumped and turned to the direction of the voice. Unfortunately, the warning didn’t come quick enough and instead of colliding with his cheek, the ball had bounced off of Levi’s forehead, sending him in one direction and his heavy backpack in another.

He didn’t quite remember the next few seconds but he does remember the sky filling with pretty colorful spots and the faint pitter-patter of small feet that grew loud enough to almost overpower the loud ringing in his ear.

A few seconds later, a blurry figure had stepped in front of him and had blocked out the sun enough that he could point out the sharper features like the platinum blonde hair and cold looking blue eyes. The boy’s speech was slurred and Levi was sure that was more so due to his motor functions all but dying at the moment.

 After what seemed like forever, he finally made out what the kid was saying. “Are you okay?” he sounded concerned, nervous even, and Levi decided he should be after almost taking his head clean off his body.

A hand was stretched in his direction on the hard, hot concrete and without any other way to get up, Levi took it. After all, it was the least blurry boy could do.

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