Goodnight, My Beautiful Girl

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Sam x Reader

1. Goodnight, My Beautiful Girl

"Would you hold still?!" You yell at Sam. He stops moving and holds still once more. You carefully insert the tip of the blade into his shoulder once more. Being a hunter has its ups and downs; one of those downs would be getting shot in the shoulder. Sam winces. It kills you to see Sam in pain. You've had a huge crush on him for as long as you've known him. You feel the butterflies and the blushies, the whole nine yards around him. You feel the blade hit something hard.

"This is going to hurt, Sam." You warn him.

"Just do it quickly." He says while picking up the bottle of whiskey and taking a swig. I quickly, but carefully, dig the knife around the bullet and pull it out. The bullet hits the floor with a thud.

"There" you say with a slight smile. "Hard part is over." You grab a roll of gauze and begin to bandage the wound.

"I don't know what I would do without you, (Y/N)" Sam says with a ghost of a smile touching his lips.

"Well, you could always go to my daddy." You say. Your father is Bobby Singer, A very good friend to both of the Winchesters.

"It's not exactly the same." Sammy says with a I've-Got-A-Secret smile.

"right." You roll your eyes, trying to make him ignore the fact that you're blushing. You're eyes slowly start to wander to Sam's bare torso. The urge to touch his chiseled washes over you. You close your eyes and make that thought disappear.

"I'm going to go to my room, unless you need something else." You say. You live with Sam and Dean in the bunker, It's a perk of hunting with them. Living with your crush is like a dream come true.

"I'll be okay." Sam says. You can detect a hint of sadness, but you push it out of your mind. It's not like he wants to stay with you.

You stand up and walk to your room. You open the door and flip on the lights. sighing, you walk over to your bed and sit on the edge of it. 'Maybe I should tell him..' you think. Telling Sam you like him would have its pros and cons. You thinking gets interupted by the faint sound of Sam cursing. You stand up and leave your room. you walk to the entrance of Sam's bedroom and call his name.

"Sam?" you call. You can hear him sighing then say, "Come in." You open the door and to your surprise, Sam is tangled in his shirt. He looks at you with a slight embarasement. You can't supress the laugher bubbling in your throat.

"oh come on, It's not that funny." Sam says in a semi-serious tone, but a slight smile can be seen on his lips. Sam saying that makes you laugh even more. "A little help would be nice." He says. You walk over to him and help him take off the tangled shirt so you can straighten it. You take the shirt in both hands and look down at it to turn it right-side out. You see a slight movement in the corner of your eye and look up. It appears that Sam has moved much closer to you. You bend your neck more than normal to look up at him. You've never been this close to him and your heart pounds. You look up to see Sam staring at you.

"...Sa-" Your words get cut off with his.

"(Y/N), I have to tell you something..." He says in a sexy, depp voice. You begin to quiver with nervousness.

"A-anything Sam." The words get caught in your throat as you speak.

"I like you (Y/N).." You're eyes widen. Your brain quickly process what you heard. "I have for sometime no-" His words get cut off as your lips find his. You have to stand on your tippy toes, but it is totally worth it. After a moment of shock, he kisses back hungrily, as if he has been craving your kiss. He places his forearm on the small of your back and pulls you to him. You both pull away, only because of the need of air. You wish the kiss could've lasted forever.

"(Y/N), does this mean you like me back?" He asks with a questioning look on his face.

"Very much so." You look up at his brown moose eyes.

He clears his throat. "Would you like to be my girlf-" You stops his words with a swift kiss.

"Yes." You say with a beaming smile. He smiles back.

"I would pick you up in a big bear hug and swing you around, but my shoulder.."

"It's alright." You smile and look at your hands, still holding his shirt. You hold it up for him to see.

"That's right, you were going to help me." You help him get the shirt on with out too much pain. You start to walk off to your bedroom but he grabs your wrist. You turn to him and he pulls you close. He plants a gentle kiss on your forehead before whispering to you "goodnight, my beautiful girl."

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