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Maya- Red

Starla- Blue

Fang- Lime Green

Damon- Light Purple

Zack- Grey

~3rd POV~

"Wake up, Starry!!!!! It's first day of school!" Maya yelled into Starla's face."Ugh. Leave me alone and I told not to call me that!" Starla proceeded to cover her face with a pillow. Until Maya pulled her out of bed, "NUUUUU!" Maya screamed. Starla turns over, picking up her phone and checking the time. "Aww...It is time to get up.." Starla groaned and sat up in her bed. "Oh..and Damon called.." Maya said, fixing her hair a little and checking her phone. "Oh..I don't know him.." "He said he's looking forward to seeing us's been awhile..!" "It has indeed!" Starla yawned as she got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom. "Shower? To get all hot for DAMON!!" Maya laughed and laid back down on the bed. "I don't even know him! It's been like...5 years!!" Starla yelled, closing the door behind her. Maya got on her phone and started texting Fang, her current boyfriend. It turns out, he will be going to their school as well. Maya gave him a quick call, talking about random junk, talking about how the summer was, and how they loved each other. Starla came back into the room, quickly getting dressed, listening to Maya and Fang arguing on who should hang up first. "No, you hang up first!" A small pause. "Nooo, you hang up!" Another small pause. "Nooo, you hang-" Before Maya could finish, Starla took the phone out of her hand. "Bye!" Starla said into the phone, hanging it up right after. "Hey! What's your deal?" Maya shouted. "It's getting annoying!" Starla sighed, throwing the phone back Maya's phone back on her bed. "You're just're SOOO lonely! Get a boyfriend!" Maya said grabbing her bag and walking out the door. Starla rolled her eyes and followed Maya out the door.

They got to school, early of course. "MAYAAA!!!!" "FANG!!!" Fang jumped on Maya, tackling her to the ground, giving her hugs. Starla sat and rolled her eyes, waiting for them to finish. She looked around and saw all the people were in their own groups, humans, paranormals, and the magic. In what seemed like forever, Fang got off of Maya to let her breathe little. As Maya and Fang were blabbing about more junk, like they did on the phone, someone tapped Starla on the shoulder. " that you?" She turned around and came face to face with Zack, her old friend that has had a crush on her since the 4th grade. They were friends and she was fully aware of his big crush on her, but she didn't mind. "Zack!" Starla smiled and gave him a hug. "Well, well, well..look who it is..!" Maya came up up behind Starla and put her arm around her. "Hey, Maya!" Zack waved a little and chuckled nervously. "What's up! How is your CRUSH ON STARLA?!?!" Maya yelled at loud, making people turn around stare at them. Starla pushed Maya away and chuckled. "C'mon, Maya..knock it off!" "I couldn't help myself..!" Maya giggled and dragged Starla inside, as the rest of the group followed. "ZAAAAAACKK!" Maya,with a devilish look on her face. "DO YA GOTTA GIIIIIIRRRLFRIIIEEEND!!!!!" Zack cringed in fear,rage,and in embarrassment. Mostly embarrassment. "!" Instantly the boys around them in the hallway started snickering and laughing while the girls giggled and whispered behind their hands. Zack lowered his even more this was a new low...even for him he was gonna make Maya pay. He was about to build a fireball in his hand then he noticed girls started waving at him and blowing kisses too while boys gave him death stares. "Chicks here dig the shy type~" as she sped up to catch up with her boyfriend's hugging his arm. Starla ignored them completely and kept watching everyone show off their powers. There were Sirens, Vampires, Wolfs, Nekos, Demons, Ghosts, all sort of stuff in one group of people. Maya came up behind Starla and put her arm on her on her shoulder. "Don't worry about groups, Star! You have us! Besides, you probably wouldn't like those people.." Starla nodded and sighed. "So, are your powers coming along?" Starla asked, looking over to her. Zack walked in between Maya and Starla. "What? What's wrong with her powers?" he asked. "I thought she had those Ice Powers last year?" "Well, her powers are..kind of..'malfunctioning' she doesn't have Ice powers, her powers changed. And the change became more frequent..last year her powers changed at least once a year, but over the summer her powers started to change everyday." Starla explained to him as Maya nodded. Fang hugged Maya tightly and pats her head. "My little baby! Are you alright?!" He asked nervously. "Yes, I'm fine!" Zack snickered and covered his mouth trying not to laugh. Maya glared at him and hit him over the head. "Oww! What the-..What was that for?!" He groaned and rubbed the back of his head."Idiot!" Maya muttered under her breathe "Hey,guys what should we do now?" Maya asked curiously "Since 'Little Miss Early Bird' here wanted to get here sooo early..I don't know?" Starla mocked and crossed her arms. "Well sorry for being a good friend without me you'd would have been late!" Maya complained slightly. "Would not!" "Would too!" They argued for a while until Maya glanced over at the supernatural group. She sees a boy just staring at the two of them. "Uhhmmm...Star.." Maya looked back at Starla with a confused face. "There is totally a dude behind you, checking us out!" Maya said. "Where?" Starla asked, turning around. When Maya looked back over, the boy was gone. "Wha-?..He was right there!?" She frowned and sighed. "'re seeing things..maybe it's you power of the day!" Starla laughed and started to walk away. "M-My power of the day IS NOT SEEING THINGS!!" She shouted at her and ran to catch up with her. "I know i wasn't seeing things!" Maya muttered under her breath. Starla and Maya walked to find their lockers. "Well, what do you know! Our lockers are next to each other!" Maya said, smiling. Starla giggled softly and watched Maya struggle with opening her locker. "Stupid locker!!!" Maya shouted in frustration. Starla pushed Maya away a little and looked over at Maya's combination. "Hmm...45..01.." After the second number Starla banged on the locker door and watched it swing open. "Hah! Starla one! Locker zero!" She giggled. "W-What?! How?!...I'm supposed to be the cool one, Star!!!!" Maya pouted and put away her things inside. "Why didn't you use the third number?" Maya asked. "Well...Because...I just proved with your locker, you don't need to!" Starla giggled."I love you like a sister, Starry, but you be cramping my style!" Maya said half jokingly and seriously. Starla rolled her eyes and opened her locker, without failing, and putting her stuff inside as well. "Whatever.." Starla sighed. Maya kissed Fang and Starla's cheeks. "OK,you guys are the most important people in my don't get in trouble!Have any questions? Star, text or call me and Fang for heaven's steak! DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID!!" "PFFFTT!!...." Fang started snickering at his girlfriend and covering his mouth. "What is it now?!" Maya asked, frustrated. "It's 'for heaven's SAKE!' not heaven's steak!" Starla corrected her and laughed. "...I said that way because it's the only way to get fang to listen, Star.." Maya said, crossing her arms and points to him, who is drooling thinking about steak. "But..what does steak have to do with ice?" Starla asked, "Doesn't he have ice magic?" Maya shrugs and sighs. She snapped her fingers in front of Fang's face, making him come out of his 'steak trance'. "H..HUH?! U...Um ok don't do anything stupid. Got it! did i even know that?!" Maya giggled as Starla facepalmed and looked away from them. Maya looked around again and saw everyone still in their groups. She looked back at the vampires and saw the same guy staring at them. "HEY! STOP STARING AT US PERVERT! I GOT A BOYFRIEND ALREADY AND STAR'S OFF THE MARKET!" Maya screamed down the hall as everyone looked at her and stared. Starla turned around to look for the guy but he wasn't there and she sighed looking at Maya. "Maya! Stop..! You're seeing things! You're embarrassing me!" Starla whisper-shouted to Maya. "I AM NOT SEEING THINGS!!" Maya yelled out loud as everyone in the hall went silent. "WE HAVE A STALKER-" Before Maya could finish, Starla slapped her hand over her mouth and chuckled nervously. "Maya! Stop now! There's no one there!" Starla whisper-yelled into her ear. "TOTALLY PRANK YA'LL!" Fang said, trying to cover up the scene. Everyone in the hallway laughed and soon were back to normal. "You guys stay here..I'll be right back!" Starla said as she started to walk down the hallway. "Okay..?" Maya said, a little confused. Maya put more stuff in her locker and closed it shut. When she turned around, she bumped into a tall male and gasped. "D..Damon?!" She smiled. "WAIT!.." Maya paused. "YOU'RE THE ONE WHO WAS WATCHING US?!?!?" Maya shouted as Damon chuckled and ran his hand through his hair. "Y-Yeah.." He said. "Why?" "Oh..just making sure it was you.." He said and smiled. Fang, who was completely jealous, stepped up to Maya and put his arm around her shoulder. "Excuse me, Random Guy. I don't know-" Damon took Maya out of his arms and wrapped his arm around her waist making her blush and tilted her chin "Also to make you mine again~" He kisses her that's when Fang lost it. Starla ran down the hallway, dodging other students, "MAYA! GUESS WHA-!" As she was finishing her sentence she ran straight into Damon's back and fell onto the ground. "Ow! What the..?" She looked up and saw Damon staring down at her, smiling with Maya in his arms blushing. Starla looked at Maya and then at Fang. "M-Maya..." Starla stood up with a disappointed look on her face. "You're cheating on Fang? How could you?" She asked, confused. Ripped away from Damon "N-NO WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT HE JUST SHOWED AND KISSED ME!" Maya tried to explain but Starla shook her head and walked away. "Hm.." Damon stared at Starla as she walked down the hallway. "Who's that?" He asked. "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHY ARE YOU HERE AWAY I HATE YOU REMEMBER!!!!!" Damon with godspeed pushed her against the lockers and put his hand above her just head "C'mon, babe..Don't be like that!" Fang pushed him off of Maya "What part do you not get?! It's none of your business and she hates you do you not understand!" He walks, now crying. Maya, who was also crying, ran down the hallway after her boyfriend and her friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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