The Incredibly Clumsy Barista, And The Incredibly Whiny "Friend"

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He raced to the parking lot, and looked out to his building and was shocked. The building was perfectly fine. He ran back inside and everything was in its place. The firm looked normal, and untouched. It appeared to be just like the scene he remembered before the old lady walked inside and demanded for a loan. He looked around and saw the one piece of evidence that all the lightning and water struck his office. The little acorn was on the window sill. He stormed outside to his car when a shadow moved by his feet. He kicked at whatever it was and he heard a screech and saw a cat fly towards a mirror, thrown away in the alley, shattering it. "No no NO NO NO NONO!!! I can't believe I let a black cat cross my path and then break a mirror. At least the stupid cat is dead." He had barely finished saying that, when the cat emerged from the rubble unscathed. "Stupid nine lives." Henry walked to his car and tried to start the car, but it wouldn't budge. "OH MY GOD!"

Henry decided to walk the 10 blocks back to his home. He passed by a Starbucks, and saw his friend Meghan inside. "Hey Meghan, I need your help since you don't believe in any superstitions."

"Umm ok, I mean I don't know how I can help you, since I think that stuff is boring and stupid."

"Ok hear me out. I refused to help this lady out, and now all superstitions that I tried to avoid are coming after me and trying to kill me. My office was just attacked by lightning until I put an acorn on my freaking window." While Henry was saying this Meghan was getting her order from a blonde girl who squeaked while Henry was telling his story, and dropped Meghan's order all over herself. "I am soooo sorry about that. Let me go make your order again," the barista told Meghan.

"So what you're telling me is that, you were cursed like a fairy tale and now you are subject for a miserable life forever?"

"Not forever technically, the old cat lady said until I can learn to be fair and follow my name. I looked into it and my name means good judgment, and lucky. I however find it ironic, as how I basically earned 7 years of bad luck by throwing a black cat that crossed my path into a mirror which just happens to break."

"You know what I think, I think you are f****** crazy, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Let's go to your office and see if we remove the acorn if any crazy sh** happens." Meghan grabbed her drink from the register and saw there was another drink there. "Uh yoo-hoo, clumsy barista girl, I think you need to go back to school. I ordered one drink, but you gave me another. Gosh it's hard to find good employees this day isn't it. HAHA I'm so funny. Let's go Henry."

"I made the second drink for the man, as I dropped the first drink because I'm really into superstitions and his story made me excited. Sorry I eavesdropped. That drink is on the house," the barista told Henry through the long hair the girl used to hide her shyness.

"Uh, that's nice of you...," Henry glanced at her nametag," Mayo-Chann?"

"Oh this store lets us use or nicknames."

"Uh, ok. I'll be going now."

"Ok. Here have the store's card. I work both shift, just in case I don't know it's probably stupid, but just in case you need any help with your superstition situation."

"Ok thanks, maybe I'll call you." Henry left the store and the very awkward barista, Mayo-Chann. He followed Meghan down to his firm. She was inside already, looking around.

Meghan saw the acorn and asked, "Is this it?"d

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