Just Another Pair of Teenage Misfits.

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Just like to say thanks for reading and I will be updating every Saturday (Aussie time).

Thanks so much again.

Love you all!


Just another pair of teenage misfits

Naomi’s P.O.V

I woke up sucking in a loud gasp of air fighting to get my heartbeat under control. Once I was calm I refused to close my eyes again. I didn’t need to see those images, the memories of that cold hearted man; my step father.

Instead of going back to sleep I got up and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. I got a bowl and spoon from the cupboard and decided to make my self some honey oats.

When I was done with the microwave I noticed it said it was only 4:36am.

I still didn’t want to go back to bed so I plopped myself down onto the couch and flicked on the T.V. Sadly nothing interesting was on but I needed to find something because I felt my eyes lids getting heavy.


I walked down the stairs still unaware of my surroundings as I had just woken up. I could hear my mother and step father arguing like they normally do, it seems like it’s become part of their daily routine. I kept walking until I was in the middle of the lounge room but I hadn’t noticed that my father was drunk until I heard the slur in his voice and saw his blood shot eyes. This was not good. I quickly turned to run upstairs but he grabbed me before I even got to the steps. He flicked me around looking very angry. “Where do you think your going little miss?” I winced at the sound of my real father’s pet name for me coming out of his mouth. “Trying to get away from you!” I said giving him my best death glare. He only clenched his fist but I had already flinched away from it. He let out a sick, slurred laugh “What’s the matter Naomi? Are you scared?” I slowly released a breath I didn’t know that I was holding “What do you expect from me, every time you make a move towards me its only to inflict pain?” I said with so much venom in my voce it even scared me. I saw the rage in his eyes as he screamed “Don’t you ever talk to me like that again!” He raised his hand and smacked me across my right cheek.

                                                 *End of Dream*

I woke up screaming but threw my hand to my mouth as I realized it was only another nightmare. I scolded myself for falling back to sleep I wanted to avoid seeing him any more than necessary.

I got up and went to the kitchen to get myself some coffee. I looked at the microwave clock and saw that I only had an hour until school.

                                                      Alice’s P.O.V

“Alice sweety Breakfast is ready!” my mother called from the kitchen. I hated my name and I hated having meals with my family. “Alright mother, ill be down in a moment!” I called back to her. I went to my closet dreading wearing the clothes that I can’t stand. Everything in my closet was chosen by my mum, none of it was my style at all. I pulled out a knee length floral skirt and a white frilled top and put them on.

 I slumped down the stairs and sat at the overly large, shiny dinner table waiting to be served. I rather like cooking, I had done it at school sometimes but my mother refused to let me near the kitchen after the cupcake explosion in the oven when I was 12. I mean that was almost 5 years ago yet she still holds it against me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2011 ⏰

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