marionettes doing

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I walked to the entrance to the establashment and thought what if they found out that i fucked 2 animatronics but I have my suciopions that if it dident happend I hope it dident because if so i hope its not real and rhat it was just a weird dream I had yesterday I walked into the dark establashment and walked into my office hmm strange there a mystrious liqued right where chica was standing in the dream "strange" I said while sitting down and turned on the cctv and checked the cameras and I kept the memories of the dream locked away and tried to forget the dream
while he thought this chica moved to the edge of the camera out of sight and he remebered what all of it felt like he got erect over the thought the feeling the smell the taste..."it was real" I muttered, "hey jeremy" he heard as he looked at the prize corner there was a marionette just standing there with no strings just stand there he thought "how is that standing?" he heard again a more of a horny voice saying "take your trousers down and lie down" he rembered last night and the events of last night he got ercet again and took his trousers down and lay down and regret fully said " ready" I waited for 1 minuete and I felt a strange breez over my rock hard penis and I heard faintly "chica mangle and bonnie are busy at the moment" and felt a hand on my now throbbing cock and felt lips cuirass my penis up and down and I felt my mouth open and a warm slimy thing enter my mouth and I said between breathes "please.. make you.. vis..a..ble" and the marionette that I saw on the camera reappered in front of me in a flash and her warm fleshy tits pressed up against my chest and I scraemed "more!" she said "you want more do you? well he will have to fix that now wont we" and stood up of, a little petit black and white woman now stood infront of me and said politly "wont you please spread your legs more and put your knees up" i did exactly that "ohh youre bigger than yesterday night" and my penis grew even more I was shocked while I stared down wondering what she was thinking of doing to me... She bent over and kissed me on the cheek and said "come on a little more enthusiasm!" and I grab her waist from instinct and pulled her waist towards my throbbing cock and said "is this what you want?" I pushed my cock down so it would go in and she screamed"YYYEEESSS!" I took that as a sign to go faster and eventuly she came all over my still throbbing cock I stood up and said bend over, she bent over with desperation to have my manhood inside her again I pulled her towards me and whispered "come on a little more enthusaism" she screamed "just put it inside of me allready I cant wait for it!" i tease her abit sliding my member an inch above her wet and tight pussy and barely touching her anus I moan in plesure and scream "i might go doggy style my dick is already lubed up from your cum!" and I push my throbbing cock in her arse and she screams as soon as I enter "not so rough" she screams before i start to rub her tight pussy and start to finger her with my middle finger she moans and moans "pu... sh... it deeper" she manages to squel before i push my dick further in and pushing my finger all the way and I feel amazing I manage to say "feel better" she doesent hear me over her orgasm out of no where I feel a wet ooz coming out of her pussy again i lick my finger "its so sweet and the taste the scent of your juice is so good!...I want more" she moans and says "again? ive came about 2 times already" I mutter   "its easy once you have a threesome" She gasps and says what you mean youve had sex before I say "yeah thats what happend last night" she muttered "I thought you were a virgin, I only saw mangle and chica well licking each other" "yeah did you see the white stuff?" I replied "yes i did, oh that is youre cum i guess" I replied "yep" she sadly says "oh i dident know" i reply with sympathy "its fine im not bothered, do you want to continue?" she nods in agreement "please continue im tight again" I check the clock 3:30am I say I still have time I thought in my mind and I thought "what postion should we get into" I  ask with a hint of excitement she sighs and says with "how about 69?" she says with a smurk I reply yelling "hell yeah!" chica, and mangle hear hell jeremys hell yea and get curiuos about what jeremy is doing, he lies down spreading his legs once again and she gets on top of him she spreads her legs he gets out his tongue and licks her pussy and she puts her on mouth on his tall thick member and she starts to get into rythm with his licking she moans on to his member and he moans into her pussy which makes her moan even more she starts to use her hands on me to give a proper blow job to me and I moan into her pussy and I licked the edges slowly going into the rabbit hole and putting his tongue in and out licking her vaginal walls and letting her scream in pleasure on his thick member which barely fit into her little mouth, she moans on to his dick repeatly making him ejaculate eventuly and she swallowed the load in one I got hard again as soon as she licked my dick again, I pressed my dick into the back of her throat and nearly knocking her back abit I moan in pleasure and I press my tongue at the back of her deep hole and I say "finshed yet" taking my tongue out and moaning and I repaet myself "finished? oh shit" I  say while looking down to see her choking and heaving and I say "you got all my cum?" she trys to move her mouth but my cock is blocking her from speaking, I take my cock out of her mouth and she coughs up a little spit she says "feisty one you are" I moan "jesus your amazing I just want your juices" she cums as soon as I say this repaying me for what pleasure i did to her tight little wet pussy I savor the taste of her huice in my mouth I treat it as a mouthwash and I swallow the juices and I say "tomorrow, I want to try you out with chica mangle and bonnie we will have a five some bring a strap" 5:10 "yeah just clean yourself up" I say with pleasure of memory of last night.

6:00am i go home and go to bed excited for the next day.

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