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Well we know what kind of addiction im talking about..
And mostly in talking about cutting...yes i know we cut for realizes my pain
2.the only thing that makes me calm
3.we just dont know what to do anymore
I know this hurts allot..i still cut..but this didnt stop me of helping others or being greathful...yea i want my family dead i mean who doesnt but really what u can do is try to be happy. Talk to u brother/sister (your favorite that u trust the most of course) or them again hear more music..hide the blades..
Now if ur doing drugs like smoking,weed etc.
You need to stop thats damaging i said ur here for a reason not just to die fast..we are all here to complete our journey. Really we need to complete it..and saying suicide fixes doesnt ur past will still haunt u no matter what.
Now if ur the one telling someone to fucking die because their ugly or something..well heres a tip for u...SHUT THE FUCK UP OK THATS NOT U GOING THROUGH THE SHIT THAT PERSON HAS ACTUALLY BEEN ABLE TO SURVIVE EVERYDAY THEY DONT NEED ANOTHER ASS TO TELL THEM GO DIE...
We all have a life...but we cant end it we are all just kids like the song i put by simple plan...we are just kids and yes our lifes are nightmares..but we survived and we still can
This is probably the end of this one i mean if you peeps need more advise comment or send me a message on wattpad ask me questions and i promise i will try to help u thr best i can thanks guys :)

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