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louis' pov

2 miscalls from love babe

You called love?

Is there anything you need?

Can I call you?

I'm worried Eleanor

Okay, that's it, I'm calling you

* call to love babe: 00:34 *

Your voice is cute :)

love babe

So is yours :)

aww thanks love

I'm glad I decided to call you

But I'm sorry about what happened to you and Max

Don't worry though, I'm pretty sure you guys are gonna make up soon

love babe

I doubt it

I'm just so frustrated with him, i seriously don't get him nowadays

We used to be so close but now we've drifted apart due to stupid petty fights

I feel like maybe he's hiding something from me

its okay love, I'm sure everything gets better soon

love babe

yeah, yeah everything gets better soon blah blah blah

let's talk about something more interesting

like what?

love babe

your love life maybe? :D

its non-existant

love babe

aww why? :(

because the girl i like doesn't like me back

i probably mean nothing to her

love babe

don't worry lou, everything gets better soon xD

hey !

you suck ! >:(

im here being emo and shit and your there fucking making jokes :(

love babe




love babe


fuck you -.-

love babe

ew no

ouch babe, that hurt

love babe

lol okay 

anyway, gtg, im sleepy

okay, night x

- - -

hai guys! again, a big thanks for reading this! i love you all so much! please continue to vote and comment and read

ps. i love catch fire by fivesos

pps. catch fire is my anthem atm

ppps. i love elounor <3

pppps. hahaha

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