Just Mine [Hikaru X Tomomi] One-shot

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Just Mine : A Hikaru X Tomomi One-shot~ 

I actually made this fic for a friend with characters from the jrock band "the Gazette" but then decided to post it now and change the characters to Tomomi and Hey!Say!BEST members~! xD

It's PG-13 rated by the way, for some violence and sensual scenes. (Forgive me for that, it's by request of my friend)

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy reading it! :)


She could feel it. See it clearly even with the darkness of the night. More over, she could smell the ferrous scent of it. Blood. It was dark but she could clearly see the bright red color of blood, her own blood, dripping down her chest.

The Lubb Dubb sound of her heart was getting stronger, faster, and louder.

No… Stop…” it was too late. She could feel her own breathing starting to get slower and weaker. It was no use trying to breathe in because her lung could not take in any more air. She knew it was her end. She was just staring blankly at the hazy image before her. As she started to feel her eyelids growing heavier and heavier, that was then she heard him say, “You’ll always be mine.”

She felt those all too familiar feel of his lips in her neck, and the sharp freezing fangs tearing up her flesh. And as she began to savour what ecstasy the experience brings, all else came to black.


Tomomi woke up with a sweaty feel and a disturbed look on her face. Her gaze was immediately drawn to her chest and her hand shoot up to her neck. She ran her fingers to her delicately slender collar, feeling any holes or wounds on it. When she was sure that no puncture was there, she sighed.

“Another one of this weird dream.”

Itano Tomomi sighed then stood up, fixed her bed, looked herself up in her mirror, flipped her hair once, and smiled. “Ready for the new day!”

She went in her bathroom, had a quick shower, dressed up, and brushed her teeth. She gazed at her self once more in the mirror, looking at her simple get-up.

Then she felt a tingle ran down her back as if someone was staring at her, she gazed out the window seeing nothing, and just decided to deny the feel. “Hmmn, maybe it’s just chilly”, and with that she ran out her room.


“Tomo-chan, another cup of coffee in table 12 please”

“Yes! Coming!” Tomomi filled in a cup with black coffee, placed it in her tray, and started to walk gracefully to the customer’s table.

“Thank you for waiting. Here’s your coffee, Sir. Enjoy!” Tomomi smiled her sweetest as she placed the coffee cup down, and nodded.

“Thank you, Itano Tomomi.” Said the customer making Tomomi flinch and look at the customer wide eyed.

He knows my name. Tomomi thought. Her eyes glided, surveyed, and keenly stared.

There sat a young man, with skin as fair as cream, eyes so solemn as the dark moonlit, and lips masterfully impressed in a shape of a heart. He was dressed in black leather set of clothes and he looked as if a god sitting there, an angel in every angle, and in every way sensual. Tomomi just stared, amazed with the man sitting in front of her.

It was with his seductively adorned voice that brought Tomomi back to Earth and gave chills to her whole being.

“I’m not the angel you think I am, my dear. I bite. But I do it… gently.” He said, and her long delicately looking fingers glided to the cup, hooked itself onto the grip, and brought the cup into his lips as he sipped.

Just Mine [Hikaru X Tomomi] One-shotTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon