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After his first day of the shoot, Rahul came back home, and Kiara was asleep.

He freshened up and got into his bed, but he wasn't sleepy. So, he unlocked his smartphone and sent a simple 'Hi' to Diana.

While waiting, he looked at Kiara and started talking to her, although he knew she was asleep.

"Hello! Wake up. I want to talk to you."

There was no reply as Kiara was in her world of dreams.

"I want to talk to someone, anyone!" he said to himself.

'Hello?' he typed and again waited for a reply.

After waiting for 15 minutes or so, he concluded that Diana was sleeping, and so she didn't reply, but he was desperate to talk to someone about his feelings.

So, he got up and started moving around his house to see whether anyone was up, but returned with disappointment on his face.

He tried to sleep, but couldn't. So, he got up and sat on his bed. While sitting up, he could see himself in the mirror.

With arms crossed in front of his body, he looked into the mirror and said, "Mirror, mirror on the wall."

"I'm always on the wall. Tell me. What was it that you wanted to talk to Kiara?"

"Nothing. I..." He scratched his head.

"Tell me. I am you, and you are me. I know it all."

"See, we got extremely close to each other. I mean Diana and me. And I know that's not wrong. We are actors, and it happens. So, I wanted Kiara to know what happens on the set. I don't want her to doubt me unnecessarily."

"Oh, wow! But why?"


"Ya. Why?"

"I told you that because I don't want her to doubt me unnecessarily."

He could see himself smiling in the mirror.

"What are you smiling at?"

"Think what you just said."

Rahul looked up and repeated the same sentence in his mind a couple of times.

"Oh, true. Oh, Damn! You saved me, bro. If I keep telling Kiara what happens on the sets, she will not believe me. Instead, she will start doubting me even more."

"Yeah!" That like my bouy. As it is, she is not your teacher that you have to report everything to her. So, relax and go to sleep."

Rahul smiled and felt relaxed.

"If there is anything, I'll talk to you before I discuss it with anyone." He winked at himself and slept.


Days passed, and Rahul started feeling at ease while shooting.

His sense of humor kept everyone entertained, especially Diana.

They used to have a great time on he sets.

There were a number of events in which Kiara was to participate and usually, Rahul was always there to keep her motivated. But slowly, he started skipping Kiara's events and was spending more and more time with Diana.

"God, you look awful," Rahul exclaimed, looking at Diana, who was seated on a chair and had dark circles under her eyes.

"Thanks. And you look like a devil." Diana replied bluntly.

"Ha! Whatever may be the case, I am sure I look better. Even in this druggie, gothic look, I look like the chocolate boy of every girl's dream." He smirked.

"Frankly, in this scene, only I will appreciate your look, and that is because the director says so. So, please!" Diana faked an arrogant look.

"That's more than enough." He winked.

"Aww!" She got up and hugged Rahul.

Rahul returned the favor and in the next moment announced, "I feel comfortable working with you. I mean usually it takes ten days or even more to complete a song sequence. Here, we have completed it in just two days."

"Ya, it was fun and interesting too."

"Ya. The next shot is interesting too."

"Why? Because you have to keep looking at me while I am sleeping? Perve!" she giggled.

Rahul opened his arms in the typical King Khan style and mimicked, "Aaaaaa... Duty, madam, duty! That is what the director has asked me to do."


*Knock Knock*

"Sir, the shot is ready." A crew member said, who was standing outside Rahul's vanity van.

"Coming." Rahul turned, and they left the vanity van.


"Cut, cut, cut!" Sharman gave Rahul a dirty look. "Intensity! You are in love with her. Bring out the passion and look at her with passion."

Rahul kept looking at Diana, who giggled as Rahul whispered, "Intensity, bring out the passion."

After a couple of retakes, Sharman was finally satisfied with the level of intensity and soon, it was time for a wrap-up.

"So, we will meet tomorrow. Well done Diana and Rahul." Sharman said while moving out of the sets.

Rahul was seated on a stone with his elbow on his thigh and his head resting on his palm.

"What happened?" Diana asked while playing with her smartphone.

"Nothing. His repetitive dialogues of passion have filled me with passion." Rahul said with a naughty smile on his face.

"Chee! A*sole!"

"Stop saying that. Passion levels are rising." Rahul gave her a puppy-dog look.

Diana bursted into laughter and said, "Oh God, I am married; otherwise I would have taken you home." she blew a kiss towards Rahul.

"I wish."

"Aww! But don't worry. Go home. Your wifi will show you some Chikni Chameli moves, and you will be fine." She winked.

"Lol." He got up and said, "I think it is time to go home."

"Ya. As it is, I'm even tired. Meet you tomorrow." The socialite hug followed, and they parted their ways.

All the way home, Rahul kept thinking, 'Am I falling for Diana once again? Why did I take fifteen retakes when I could have completed the scene in just one take? Is it just me or Diana even feels the same?'


If you have seen Tamasha, you will notice something similar here :P

Soon, we will go through the tension phase of this lovely couple. Maybe in the next chapter or in the following one. :/

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