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After carrying the boxes down to thelobby, Harry's phone started ringing. He couldn't ignore it, so onthe tenth ring he answered. I couldn't hear the conversation but thelook on Harry's face told me he wouldn't be helping me anymore. Itwiddled my hair in between my fingers as I bit the inside of mycheeks to pass the time. When Harry returned he couldn't look me inthe face "Erm Olivia, I have something to say." He motionedtowards the sofa seats in reception. I nodded and walked towardsthem.

"Okay so. You know; Niall, Louis,Liam and I are close. We kinda recorded a song together and sent acopy to a local recording studio where Louis lives and well... Louisjust called saying they listened to the single and want to meet us inperson." I sat in front of Harry with my eyes wide open "That'samazing. Oh wow Harry, come here" I threw my arms around hisshoulders and brought him into a bone crushing hug. "What does thatmean then?" I pulled away and softly grabbed his chin so he wasstaring straight into my eyes. "It means that we have to fly out toEngland and preform a live version in front of all their producers."There was something in his eyes, no happiness or excitement. It wasmore like anxiousness and worry. "Harry, this is big. Why aren't youhappy?" He shakes his head "It doesn't matter Oli. So theseboxes?" I shook my head "No Harry. You are going to tell me whatis up?" He took in a long breath and sighed it out. "It's you. Iwant to start off with you. As my actually, one and only girlfriend.I wanted to show you I can be your everything; your sun, moon andstars. But now, this messes everything up. If I go to England andthey like us, hell even a producer signs us to their record labelthan I would be in the UK more. I'll have to drop out of Uni andleave you behind. I don't want that" He sniffled as he wiped hissleeve over his face.

"Look, Harry. No matter what happensI will be here for you. I mean, look at what we thought we were. Wemanaged a long distance relationship before we found out about themessed up situation. We can make this work." He looked into my eyesand placed a hand firmly on my shoulder . His other hand slowly movesto caress my left cheek. "Oli, you are so perfect" He bit hislower lip and I followed. Then he leaned in as he closed his eyes.Our lips touched and a clap was heard from behind us "You twodeserve each other." Her arms folded over her visible chest. Harryrolled his eyes "Kathryn, go away." Harry stood up and walkedtowards the boxes. "Free place. I'll stay if I want. " She tappedher foot on the marble flooring and flicked her hair back. Then a beep washeard from outside. "My hot, sexy boyfriend is here. Bye losers"She giggled and ran off.

"She's such a b.itch." Harrymuttered under his breath. I laughed and grabbed the nearest box."Geez, this is heavy" I shouted as my face began to turn a shadeof red. "Baby, take this one" Harry pushed a box towards my feet.I handed over the box to Harry and picked up the one near my feet. Iexpected it to be alittle lighter than the other box but still heavy.I tried my best to pick up the box but didn't expect it to be as lightas it was, causing me to topple backwards onto the sofa. "Oli, haha.Are you okay" Harry giggled. His dimples showing, giving me morereason for my cheeks to blush. "Shut up Styles!" He held his handout and helped me up. I looked around, thankfully no one else saw ithappen. "So, when do you go?" I smiled as I picked up the box."Louis didn't say. I'll text him later. I nodded and walked towardsmy car. "I'll put half in my car and you put half in yours, yeah?"I nodded and watched as Harry walked across the car park to his car.

Once the cars were loaded, I told Harryto stay close to my car and jumped in. Once on the main road, Ilooked in to my wind mirror and saw Harry's car close. I turned offthe main road and followed the secluded drive. Once at the bottom, Iturned a right and was immediately hit with palm trees on either sideof the road. Houses and Apartments that stood back off the road andpaths that had massive front lawns with whatever they wanted in the front.I approached my mothers place. A detached house that was once anapartment sits on the neatly mowed lawn. I stopped out side andwatched as Harry's car stops. He jumps out and walks towards my carlaughing. I wind my window down "What?" He runs his thumb overhis smirking lips and points directly across to the house over theroad. Just on queue, the front door opens and Harry shouts "Who usyour w.illy?" I jumped out the car and swatted his chest "Don't saythat!" I was shocked. "OLI, OLI, OLI!" I turned around and sawLouis running down his drive, my heart skipped a beat when he didn'tlook across the road before he continued running. "Don't tell meyou're living in their?" Louis squealed. I looked over at Harry whowas now unloading his car. "Yeah, this was my mums house before shepassed away." He nods and runs to my boot "Well lets get yousettled down and we can have a slumber party at yours?" He giddilyrushed out. "What are you, 8?" Harry kisses my cheek as he walkspast with a box in his hand.

I unlock the door and guide the boxesinto the living room. Louis stood next to the only box he brought in and takes the bottom of his t shirt,  swiping it across his forehead."Man, this is hard work!" He collapses onto the sofa and pops hisshoes off. I roll my eyes and join him. Harry comes in with the lastbox "Oh, I see how it is. Harry does all the work!" He drops thebox and runs up to me, tickling my sides. "Is this why you asked tohelp" I started laughing "Harry stop, haha. No of course not baby"He stopped and looked at he. Louis made a gagging sound and jumped offthe sofa. "Lou, when are we leaving for the UK?" Louis pulls out hisphone and a few seconds later "This Saturday" I nodded my head.That was the day after tomorrow. "But that's Halloween?" Louislooked at Harry and Harry looked at Louis. Then at the same time theyshouted "Ow mann! We miss trick or treating, jinkes!" Theylaughed. "I'm going to be all alone." I pretend to be upset. "Youhave Dan and Phil." Harry walks up to me and pulls me into a hug."Oh great. Problem resorted" I sarcastically remark. Louis joinsour hug. "It will be okay Oli. We could skype?" I pull away. "Howlong will you be. I thought it was only for a day?" I knitted myeyebrows together. "Well, if we perform and they like us. We willbe signed to a British record label. Then we will have to prove tothem that it was the best decision. We'll be promoting and recordingsingles. Oli, I don't know how long we'll be" Louis speaks. Harrylooks at me, I couldn't bring myself to return the stare. "So yoursaying that. You could be gone for more that a day?" He nods hishead. "A week?" Nothing. "A month" Nothing "Oh god. What, somonths? Will it be next year that I see you again?" My eyes beganto water, I looked at Harry who mouthed sorry. "So that's it.Tomorrow is your last day in PE? What happens with the course?"Louis looked at Harry "Well, I spoke to Grantly saying what if theylike us and he said he will put; Liam, Niall and I forward for aHonors degree. Our work is being assessed" I folded my arms acrossmy chest "Oh so, just because you've been spotted for singing some crappy pop song, you get to graduate nearly a year earlier. Bulls.hit"I laughed. Harry shook his head "baby, you said yourself that Icould have a career singing. It's finally happening and you don'tseem to be happy for me." He raised his voice.

Louis started to slowly back off "Your'e going no where Mr. Look, I am happy. Happy for you all but this isstupid. You wanted to be an Olympic trainer. That was your ambition.What about that?" - "That was an ambition that we bothknow would never happen. I love singing. I want to make people happyand feel good about themselves with my ability to express my feelingthat they might relate too." I looked over at Louis who was bitinghis lower lip. "You're right, I'm sorry. I'm being selfish. I justwanted to be part of your life Harry. Girlfriend and Boyfriend. Thereal Olivia Dawson and Harry Styles. But now, I think it's too much inone go." His head shot up to meet mine "No baby, I will make timefor you. I will call you and text you and skype you all day everyday.I will video our session and send it you so it feels like you arehere. I will do anything to make you feel part of the group. Oliviaplease!" I took in a deep breath and looked at Louis who waspleading with me with his eyes.

After a few moments of mentally thinkingabout the pros and cons. I shook my head. "I'll always be hereHarry. I love you. But I think it's best if you concentrate on yoursingle or signing and then when you get a break or come back toAmerica, ask me then." His bottom lip starts to tremble. "But Ilove you too much to let you go!" He blinks making the tears falland crash on to his grey t shirt. "You're not letting me go silly.We're still friends. Ask me back out when you are back in America andi'll say yes." I smiled. " I just want your full attention onmaking this career work. Okay?" He doesn't reply "Look, Harry.Oli has basically said she will be your girlfriend, just give her abreak and ask her back out when we return" Louis hits his shoulder"I guess you're right." Harry smiles, showing me them divinedimples. "Good. Now you better go and get ready. Tomorrow is yourlast day here for a while and we have PE tomorrow and no doubteveryone will want to say goodbye" I tried my best to hold back thetears. "Are you sure. We can sleep over tonight?" Louis sulked."No, you go. I have a lot to do anyway." He smiles and gives me ahug.

Harry walks up to me and pulls metowards him. "You mean the world to me. Your are beautiful and smartand I will be counting back the days that I get too see you again andofficially make you mine. I love you" He gives me a kiss on thecheek and waves as he jumps back into his car. I close the front doorand lean against the back "Oh god" I chanted over and over again.Tears cascading down my cheeks as I sink to the floor bringing myknees up to my chin.

MUST READ! Finally i hear you say! I'm so sorry for the late update but I will be updating either everyday or every other day from now on :D I don't know whether i should do a sequel? What do you think? Should I carry on this story so there's loads of chapters or stop at 50 and have 'Anonymous Messaging 2 - The return' Please comment and help!! Thankyou for your patience --- Naomi xox

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