Prologue - The Case Unfolds

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It was the beginning of summer when the school year started to pressure the students before vacation. The students rushed their papers and crammed up for the exam. A few students opened their book as they read and entered their class, while the others skimmed their notes in the school park bench. Each was magnetized by the pressure of the examination, bewitched by the depression that they would not pass the next coming semester's cut. Inna is an exception. She never bothered reviewing her notes or even studied during her free time. She was focused on a more important matter. She sat on one of the benches and opened her notebook and reached her bag's pocket for her pen. She looked around her, securing her location if someone is looking at her or watching her. As she confirms no one does, she started writing. A couple of minutes writing her notes, the school bell rang. She took a shallow breath and closed her pink notebook, placed it back on her bag and returned the pen quickly in her uniform's left pocket.

Time flied like a flash. She ignored her recess time and continued writing on her notes instead. Upon finishing what she was writing, she looked at the classroom's wall clock placed a few meters on top of the blackboard, facing the whole class. She had a few minutes to spare for a stroll outside. She stood on the classroom wall outside when one of her classmates tapped her shoulder. She quickly glanced to see who it was. It was her friend Leah Briggs. A fine girl, always excels in class, deep black hair and hazel eyes, white complexion and pinkish lips. Their white uniform exposed her beauty and elegance.

"Are you going with us this afternoon on the Trade Fair? I heard there's a lot of things you'll be surprised about. Mr. Kimble was saying they prepared interesting things!" she happily invited. However, Inna was disinterested about it, and thought more of the things she wanted to do.

"Sorry, Leah. I have something to do. Maybe when I get a free time." she replied. Leah smiled and tapped her shoulder one more and winked, as if she understood what Inna meant by that. She walked away while waving her hand goodbye. Inna walked straightly away from the school corridor when she accidentally bumped someone. She was careless. She was looking on the ground rather than facing in front of her to see if someone was coming.

"Oh! Another roadblock!" she exclaimed, and held her left arm, that felt the collision of her body and the one she bumped. She looked at the person she clashed with, and to her surprise, it was her best friend and rumored boyfriend, Bradan Hearst.

"Inna! Are you okay? Watch where you walk!" he joked, and patted her head.

"I know, I know, it is my fault." she replied, enjoying what Bradan was doing. It contradicts his masculine exuberance, but whatever, she had the reason to enjoy it, as it was the first time that such man is spending time with her.

"By the way, remember the film you want me to process? It's already available."

Bradan opened his shoulder bag and showed her the processed photographs of the flowers she requested. She had the time to glance at him to enjoy the time to remember his image. Brown hair, green eyes, the inviting brownish lips, white skin, tall, and has the voice that makes a woman's heart melt.

"Thanks! But keep it first. I'll tell you when I'll get it." she replied. Bradan placed back the photos in the brown envelope and returned it in his bag, zipped it and faced her.

"But it's good you asked me. I know how photos work. You can rest assure the lighting is perfect in all of them." he bragged. Inna laughed with it and waved him goodbye as she enters her classroom for the next class. Bradan did the same and entered the classroom, which is next to Inna's.



Bradan's dark room was slowly lit by the sunlight that peered through the opening of his curtained window. Upon his old alarm clock's ring, he woke up and fixed himself. He did a few stretches before he looked at the window. The light is still blinding. He cupped his right arm fingers and covered his eyes. He noticed that the walls of his room are starting to have holes in them, caused by the little army of insects that invaded it.

"Man, my room's walls have been eaten by termites. Got to fix this or else, the sun will reveal to the neighbors that I am lazy fixing this up!"

He lost his mother when he was ten. His father currently is the Police Superintendent, and his only family left. He however has the need to find the life of his own and decided to live alone, to have his peace of mind. His father had a hard time agreeing to it, but gave up when he saw that his son really needs to do it to find himself. He still supports Bradan in his education and living. Many family friends misunderstood him and accused him of being rebellious to his father and inconsiderate of all the good things they should tie up together as they're the only family left. Living alone is hard even with his father's support. Because of this, he works as a wedding and birthday photographer for part time and a product salesman on weekends.

He noticed a newspaper boy walking near his house. He called him to stop and waited for him. He opened his drawer and grabbed some coins for the newspaper and went out, handing the coins as he receives the newspaper. His eyes focused on the front page of the newspaper. A shock conquered his eyes and worry trembled his flesh.

10:00 AM of Wednesday, September 11, 2010. --- Inna Graves, a high school student of Patterson High was reported missing today, September 14, 2010 by the police department. Her parents started to worry when she never called home and never informed any of her family members where she went. Suspected she went somewhere, the police issued a search operation. It is three days now since Inna's disappearance and she's still out there, eluding the grasp of the police. The only clue to her whereabouts is a handwritten letter in her notebook saying 'wait for me brother'. The police is now investigating the matter and asking Chris Graves, Inna's brother, what could the letter mean and what is the connection of it to him. AUTHOR: Ciel Sutherland.

Shocked and wondering, Bradan sat on his bed, and looked at the window. He met her and she was so happy, smiling and a glint of joy can be seen in her eyes. He never expected that she would go missing on that same day.

"Where are you now, Inna?" he said, and looked back at the newspaper in his hand.

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