The next day I woke up and the apartment was quiet and empty. I got up, re-braided my hair, washed my teeth and brushed my teeth. I went back into the room and picked up the. Damn I had no missed calls from Jenna.
I threw my phone back on the bed and went to make me some cereal. I had the original, frosty flakes with a banana. I sat down in front of the tv and cut it on some cartoons.
Damn it feels so lonely without my girls. Even when me and Jenna weren't dating she was still at my house watching tv with me, sharing a bowl of cereal.
About 15-20 minutes later I heard a knock at the door. Me thinking it was Jenna I rushed to the door and opened it.
"Are you Rayan Lopez?" The guy asked. "Yes sir I am." I answered. The guy looked at his partner and then back at me. I already know this was bad.
"Rayan Lopez you are under arrest you and the right to remain silent-"
After that I just blanked out. I can't believe i'm going to jail.
An hour later I was woken up by someone banging on the cell. "Let me out! I didn't do nothing!" He chimed. "Dude shut the fuck up. Everyone in here didn't do something." Another guy said.
"Yeah and if I don't?"
"Ima punch the shit out of yous."
"Do it tough guy."
The men went to each other and started fighting. The guards plowed the door open and went to break up the fight. I stood on my feet and walked to the other the cell door.
"Where you going?" The other guard asked. "Can I have my one phone call. I need to call my mom at least." I spoke.
The guard escorted me to the phone booth and I called my mom but Davie answered.
"No it's Davie, Ray is that you?"
"...uh. No wrong number." I hung up the phone and called Jenna. "-come on baby pick up.-"
"Ugh what Ray?"
"I'm in jail."
"What the fuck!? How!?"
"Something, I don't know. Go home and get the money to bail me out."
"Why should I?"
"Because we love each other babe and we're expecting our beautiful baby. I can't be in here until you have em."
"... I'm on my way."