13 Years Later

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The people at the hospital had stared at me. But a man quickly stepped in and said he had threw the suspect. The new man was very tall and muscular, with a beard and tattoos. Everyone almost agreed at the same time that he had to be the one who threw him, because that made much more sense than some sort of "Carrie" thing with me.

Everyone was escorted out of the building and down to ambulances to be transferred to other hospitals, police cars to be questioned, and to desks to see if they could be checked out. They told us I needed to stay here but I could go home in a few days. They gave me a green slip and told me to go back to the front of the E.R. Mom sent me back to the E.R., while she looked for the muscular man, but she never found him. After a few days, Harsey came and picked us up in her car to take us home.

13 years later I am now a sophomore in high school.

It's a Thursday afternoon. I walk to chemistry. I'm late so I'm light jogging to my class. I walk in right as the late bell rings. "Take a seat, Ms. Taylor." There are only a few seats left, and my usual one was taken. I sit beside a guy with wavy-ish, curly-ish, dirty blonde hair. He's wearing a maroon hoodie, and jeans. I look at his packet to see his name. The word "Draw" is written were the name blank is. Draw I think to myself, that's an unusual name. He seems friendly enough. Should I say hi? Before I can decide he turns his head and says in a low tone, " Hi, I'm Draw. I know, it's a weird name. What's yours?"

I turn my head and tell him my name. "That's pretty. I was named Draw because my mom is an artist and she was drawing when she found out she was pregnant. Strangely enough, she was drawing a baby."

Well he's comfortable sharing. I thought to myself. I look down at my worksheet and realize that I need my book. "What is the abbreviation for gold on the Periodic Table?" Easy, I think to myself, It's AU.

All of a sudden, an alarm goes off. But not the kind of alarm you would thing of.

A gun shot.

All of a sudden, kids of all ages are running down the hallway to get away.
"Every one go outside now!" Yelled the teacher I grabbed my bag planning to run through the hallway but my hand was grabbed and I was pulled in a different direction. I looked to see who it was. It was Draw. This kid is going to be the reason I die, I think to myself as we run toward the window.

"What are you doing?!" I yell to him as he climbs out of the window onto the ledge of the second story.

"I'm about to jump off. And you're going with me." Before I can comprehend what he just said to me, I've been picked up by him and am falling from the window. I scream as we fall, wondering what death would feel like, because at this point it seems inevitable. I brace myself for pain. And boy do I feel it. I hear at snap and realize my arm is not supposed to bend like it is.

Draw comes and he tells me to run to his car. He's only 15, but he has a 18 year old brother that's a senior, or so he tells me.

When we get there, his supposed brother about to hop into the car. "Wait!" screams Draw as he runs with me. His brother hears and stops to look back and sees us. Draw opens the door for me and I hop in. I don't care if I just met him, it's much safer for me to be with them than to be at the school.

But we don't move. Draw looks at my arm. "Don't even write in your diary or journal or whatever about this." He then sets my arm back without even touching it. I feel no more pain and I stare at him. He stares at me for a second and I do the same.

Draw gets out of the car and goes toward the school. What the hell is he doing? I think to myself as I run toward him, even though the shooter is still inside. What the hell am I doing? I think to myself also

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