A Perfect Gift

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One shot JeRza Fanfiction!!!!

Hope you like it!


I do not own this One-shot story,it is from fanfiction.net, and also, WE do not own this anime, mashima hiro does.


It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining bright, the birds were singing beautifully, and everything was perfect.

But not for Jellal Fernandes. No, not for him. For him, this day will be horrible. Why? Because it's Erza's birthday. He has no idea what he should buy to her.

He dressed up, and walked to Fairy Tail. Hopefully, Erza wasn't there. Then an idea popped up in his mind:

"What if I ask for someone's help? Let's see who is here in this morning... Natsu! Nah, he's too dense! Mirajane? No, she will start saying again about how cute it will be if me and Erza had kids, or stupid things like that. Maybe Lucy? Yeah, she's the best opinion."

"Oi, Lucy!" Jellal called

"Oh, Jellal? What are you doing here? Are you here to see Erza?" the girl teased

"N-No! he stuttered

"Too bad. She isn't here anyway." Lucy said

"But where is she?" he quietly asked

"Oh, so you do care!" Lucy started teasing again " She is on a mission with Gray. Alone." she said

"A-Alone? What are they doing alone on a mission?" the blue haired boy asked

"You really are jealous!" the Blonde girl said laughing a little - " She and Gray went on that mission together because me and Natsu didn't want to go and she needed money for something. She didn't want to go alone, so she asked Gray to go with her. And you know, if he would say no, he would be probably be dead right now."

"Uhuh, I understand. So, when is she coming back?" Jellal asked.

"I think this afternoon. And, Jellal, why did you call me? Do you need something?" Lucy asked.

"Oh, yeah. You know, today is Erza's birthday, and I want to give her a present. But, I don't what I should get to her! And you are her friend, so I thought you would help me." he replied

"Sure I'll help you! But, Mira knows about this things better than me, so you should have asked her."

"I didn't want to ask her, because she will start daydreaming again about me and Erza and how our children will look like!" he said, while his cheeks were coloured in pink.

"Oh, I know what you say. Yesterday, Natsu was sleeping on my shoulder, and she started to think how she will make me and Natsu a couple. It was reaaaaally annoying." the celestial mage said.

"Ok, so now where we should go to find a gift for Erza?" Jellal asked

"Hmm, well how about the Jewel Store? I think she will like a bracelet or some earrings."

"Good idea. Let's go."

Jellal and Lucy headed towards the Jewel Store. Lucy found a really beautiful pair of black earrings, but Jellal said they are too expensive.

"How about this one, Lucy?" Jellal asked showing her a silver bracelet with some glittery things on it, making it sparkle.

"It's really pretty but I don't think Erza will like it. She likes the simple stuffs. This bracelet is too glittery." Lucy said

They left the Jewel Store, not finding anything for the red haired mage.

"Now? Where we should go?" the blue haired boy asked.

"The Dress Shop? It's around the corner, and maybe we'll find something that suits Erza." the blonde girl answered.

When they arrived at the Dress Shop, Lucy saw a beautiful blue scarf.

"WOW! Jellal! Come here!" She called Jellal.

"Lucy, stop yelling, the people are staring at us!" he whispered.

"Look! I found this amazing scarf! You like it?" she asked and her eyes were sparkling.

"Yeah, it's pretty. Do you think Erza will like it?" Jellal asked.

"Erza?" Lucy asked surprised- Oh, yeah I totally forgot that we are trying to find a gift for Erza! But this scarf is too cute! I want it!

"Well, yeah! We are trying to get a present for her!" Jellal said

"Oh, yeah, right! But, this scarf it's so cute! I want it! Could you please buy it to me?" Lucy asked

"No!" the he yelled.

"Pleaseeee!" Lucy begged him.

Jellal started at her beautiful brown eyes. Ugh, she's too cute! I can't resist!

"Fine, fine! Look, here's the money go and buy it!"

"Yay! Thanks, Jellal! You are the best!" she said smiling.

After Lucy bought the blue scarf, they tried to found something for Erza. But no luck again.

"Jellal, it's already late and Erza should be back soon. Maybe you should just say Happy Birthday to her. I think she will understand that you didn't find any gift." the blonde mage said

"I think you're right, Lucy. Let's go back to the guild." the blue haired boy said.

"You can go back, I'm going to do some shopping. Good luck with Erza!" Lucy said running away

"Thanks! I will need that luck." he said and mumbled the last part.

He headed towards the guild, and saw that Erza was back.

Ok, Jellal! You can do this! Just go to her, and say what you need to say! he encouraged himself

"H-Hi, Erza." he said

"Jellal? What are you doing here?" the red haired beauty asked turning around

"I... uh... well, I wanted to say Happy Birthday to you."

Erza blushed a little.

"Uh... thank you."

"And, I'm sorry I didn't find any present for you. I looked all over the city." Jellal said looking at the ground.

"You searched a gift for me all over the city?" Erza asked

Jellal nodded.

He expected to be punched, but suddenly, the girl hugged him.

"E-Erza? What are you doing?" he asked as his cheeks were tinted red.

"Thank you, Jellal. I really wanted to tell you this a long time ago but I didn't had the courage." Erza said broking the hug

"I really do like you." she said blushing.

Jellal stayed silent, but then he whispered:

"I... I like you too..."

Both of them looked at each other and smiled.

This was the new Fairy Tail couple.


The two turned around to see Mirajane with hearts in her eyes.

"Congratulations." a voice was heard behing

"Lucy!" Jellal said happily- " Thank you for your help!"

"I didn't really helped you that much. I'm glad you too are together!" she said smiling

The guild was very happy for the two, especially Mirajane who was fangirling like a crazy person.


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