Nothing will be the same

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  • Dedicated to Jordyn Bradley

Natalie was walking home from the Walmart down the street. A few blocks from home it started raining so she pulled the drawstrings of her sweater tighter. As she passed the alley she thought she saw a glint of light so she turned down the alley. Out of nowhere a cat ran up to her through the poring rain. As she leaned down to see what the light was a white smudge showed up in the middle of the alley.

The ghost came closer and you could hear it whisper " Nothing will be the same. Nothing will be the same." That convinced Natalie to grab the object and run. When she got home she ran to her bedroom and looked at what she grabbed. It was a necklace with an inscription it said:

To Natalie with all my love 

From Dad ( Nothing will be the same)

Natalie decided that night to always wear the necklace. Sadly she couldn't stop seeing ghosts and skipping classes. Her life was going down hill and fast. She was in horrible state and her brother and mom couldn't stop worrying about Natalie. Natalie couldn't take it anymore either, but then there was black.

This blackness was nothing she could explain. Then it hit her she was unconscious. Wait no she was dying, but she couldn't die she shook herself she did everything she could do but nothing would work. As she walked on to her death she heard ...Ghosts. The whispering was overwhelming she couldn't deal with it but then all was still.

Not a word or movement. Then miraculously she awoke to shining lights and realized she was in a hospital.Her brother and mom were in a corner crying. Natalie couldnt do anything she then realized she was dead. Just like the ghosts said:

Nothing will be the same.


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