Chapter 1

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                                     Making a friend
Giggi had just moved in her new house and she had to start year six over again,you see where she was from she had already started year six and she got used to her class mates especially the girls in her class.She didn't want to have to start making friends all over again and see how the kids acted.No. She thought to herself "is it all my fault did I do this?"She asked herself that every time she had moved because she had a secret.A big one.She was a dancer she had started dancing when she was 5 years old and was very talented.She became famous and won the junior award for best dancer 5 years in a row as now she's 10.Her parents have moved loades of times not because of her dancing but because of her fathers job he is an architect.Giggi doesn't know her dads job not because she can't know but because she's not interested or wants to have anything to do with it.She wants to be more interested but she hates skeletons of anything.

The next day ,her school day to be more exact,she didn't want to go,she was shy.She wasn't shy in general but shy of her name,her fake name they gave to the school so that they won't know her secret.Her fake name was Holly she didn't like the name. She didn't like everything about it.It all sounded...not finished...sounded so jolly like she is going to go heads over heals just of meeting a person.When sh entered class the teacher stopped the class and said to all the students "here is our new pupil and we will all treat her with respect and give her time-".Before the teacher could finish her sentence all the class said "yes miss carol"After the greetings from her class mates she had to go sit down next to Martha Stuart she was the smarty pants in the class.She wore great big glasses and a skirt with trousers underneath.Sometimes she would wear a plan top or a stripped one.

Her first day didn't go as planned she thought she would be left alone in piece and quiet but that wasn't the way it went.All of the people in her class gathered around her and only Sonia greyam was left out with her possy of friends.She only cared about herself and had no care whatsoever in any one else.No one really knew what was wrong with her but nobody dared to talk to her.

After the hurricane left she went to have her lunch but she had it in the class she was afraid of what the people in the canteen would do so she ate by herself.In class everyone was passing notes to everyone and no one was listening except for Martha she was writing about WW2 .They had an assignment due in on Thursday and they needed to write down notes.When she got home she went strait to doing her homework she didn't want to get in trouble and when she finished she went dancing as she didn't practice hat solo for the dance competition she was having in 5 months time.She had plenty of time but she wanted to get everything perfect.Later that day her mum asked a girl from down the street to come meet Giggi.Her name was Gloria.She was just like Giggi but she wasn't a professional dancer.They divided thee go swimming in Giggi's pool and get to know each other better.It wasn't long until the two girls made friends and in no time at all they were best friends. Soon they had to do their homework but they helped each other.It was a shame that they didn't go to the same schools but they always saw each other after school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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