call me maybe?

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As Cameron flee's in terror the guys calms Dylan down "DYLAN YOUR SCARING HER... STOP SHE'S GONE" Dylan's eyes become blue again and he stops fighting them. "Hey come on relax, Cameron ran from you and she's out there alone" Stiles explains. " What time is it"? Dylan ask "12:30" Dylan storms out and he's very worried about Cameron.

Stiles and Scott drives out to find her while Dylan uses his werewolf senses to track which way she ran. "CAMERON..." Dylan roars out.

As Cameron runs down the dark street she stops to catch her breath and collapses to the street ground, she's having an asthma attack. Dylan senses trouble, picks up her sent and dashes off to rescue her. Dylan connects to Scott to let him know she needs an inhaler. Scott gets the message and he pulls out the extra inhaler. Dylan reaches her and she's breathing heavily he sits with her, he speaks to her to keep her breathing and relaxed. He looks into her eyes and he see's a flash back, a flash back of hers,he see's a woman that looks like her and a man they're on the ground and the woman is breathing hard and the man is yelling "sweet heart give daddy the phone... Give me the phone please mommy can't breathe, I NEED THE PHONE CAMMY NOW" the woman stops breathing and the man yells "NOOO NORA PLEASE, NOO BABY COME BACK...please" "Dylan its okay here bring her back" Dylan turns his eyes and tells her to come back to him she puts the inhaler in her mouth and pushed the button and breaths in the medicine.

Her asthma attack goes away and she regains her breath. "Dylan holds her tight and close "hey there, you okay now?" Cameron nodes yes and Dylan is relived. Scott and Stiles exchanged looks and smile "i guess that's his girl" Scott Whisper's to Stiles and after a couple of minutes Dylan picks Cameron with both arms and gets in the car, Dylan keeps Cameron on his lap rapped up in his sweater, he held her close as possible and didn't want to let go.

They took Dylan home and he brought Cameron inside, he places her on his bed and tucks her in, making sure she was warm enough.
Dylan gave Cameron her space and he fell asleep on his futon. The next morning Cameron woke up first and noticed she wasn't home on her own bed but remained calm. She sat up to see Dylan still sleep so she goes down stairs and she makes breakfast. Dylan wakes up and goes down stairs to see her and her cooking. "Morning" she says knowing he's hungry. "Uh, ha morning" Dylan smirked and walked into the kitchen picked up some bacon and took a bit. "Well thanks for making breakfast" " welcome, it was nothing really i just wanted to you know do you a favor for saving last night." "Truthfully I'd do it again in a heart beat...just for you" he said looking down and looking back up at her with a little smile, which from Dylan's amazing hearing , had her heart racing. "Well thank you for letting sleep here but i gotta get home" Cameron walks over to the couch to grab her purse and heads to the door " Cameron wait... I gotta tell you something" She closes the door and walks back to the kitchen, "yeah whats up?" Dylan looks at her in the eyes deeply and walks over to her "last night when you had your asthma attack i looked into your eyes and i saw something, like a flashback. It had a man and a women in it and the woman seemed to be dying, and the man was yelling for someone to give them the phone and he called your name, after that the woman died and the man was extremely upset. That's all i saw and wondered if you knew anything about it?" Cameron went silent and her eyes began to water. A tears rapidly fell down her face, in a kind of whisper voice she could barely get the words out "those parents" her voice cracked " my mom Died... BECAUSE OF ME, I WAS ONLY FOUR I DIDN'T KNOW, I WAS DOING SOMETHING AND MY FATHER KEPT YELLING TRYING TO TELL ME TO GIVE HIM HIS PHONE, TO CALL FOR HELP but I didn't... Why, because i was to busy trying to please my friends, letting them know i could do everything special thing they could, no matter how hard i tried...i failed and me growing up with my cousins, having them tell me it was my fault killing my own beloved mother wasn't fun. I didn't want anyone to know my deepest darkest secret i just wanted to live free from the past, to find someone to relate to and love" Dylan never knew that the most beautiful girl he has ever seen in the world felt empty and broken inside just like him. "I know how you feel and I'm sorry, it was never your fault, but you should always remember to let the past go and begin a better brighter future. I had a difficult past too, i grew up with an abusive father, he had anger issues like me but since you know I'm a werewolf its worse. My dad beat my mother so much it killed her, i was ten and i watched my mother die and kept that secret to myself. I had to live with my grandparents since my father went to jail. Believe me your not alone i promise." As they feel each others pain they connect and Dylan looks her in the eyes and kisses her.

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