I frantically look down at the small watch on my wrist and curse under my breath realising that I was most probably going to be late on my first day of university. Not a good start.

I run through the crowded corridors, looking for room 398b, books in my arms and my backpack threatening to spill out all of it's contents.

Just as I spot the room, I clumsily trip over my own feet, letting out a squeal and gaining attention from the surrounding students. Groaning, I slowly start to pick up my belongings and stand up, brushing off my jeans.

"Are you okay?" I look to to my left and see a tall, blue-green eyed boy frowning at me.

"I, uh, yea, I guess, thank you." I laugh and he smiles at me.

"Let me take your books." He offers and I shake my head frantically, clutching onto my books.

"No, no. It's fine." I assure him and he nods.

"Then let me open the door for you." He smiles and I nod slowly as he opens the wooden door in front of us, reveling the large lecture room and numerous amounts of chatty students.

"Thank you." I smile as I walk though, the boy following me.

"My name is James by the way." He says, putting out a single hand and I shake it.

"I'm Julie." I smile and he smiles back, looking around for an empty seat.

"Do you want to sit together?" He asks, walking towards a couple of empty seats. "I don't know anyone here."

"I'd love to." I smile. "I'm in the same boat, I moved here from Birmingham a few weeks ago." I explain as we sit down, placing our books in front of us.

"Oh wow, that must have been quiet the move." He says, taking out a few pens, placing them next to his books.

"Yeah, but it's nice to get away, you know? Kinda like a fresh start." I explain and he nods.

"I understand that, I moved from where I used to live to here  about a month ago." He says and I nod, not knowing what else to say. "So what courses are you doing?"

"Well, English, obviously. This is where the english lecture is, right?" I ask and he nods before I continue. "And I'm also doing a minor in music." I tell him and he grins.

"Me too!"

"Seriously?" I ask in disbelief and he nods his head, obviously excited, evident because of the massive grin on his face.

"Yea! I love english a lot but I feel like I can just relate to music on a deeper level." He explains and I nod, completely understanding him.

"I can relate to that on a deep level." I joke, making him laugh.

"Do you reckon-"

"Students quiet down!" A loud voice booms from the front of the room, causing both James and I to jump slightly in our seats. "Welcome to the University of London, the largest University in the United Kingdom, founded 175 years ago." The man explains as if he's said the same thing hundreds of times, which he probably has. "As for me, my name is Mr. McGovner and I will be your english lecturer for the rest of year. So before we start, I'd like to wish you all good luck because you're going to need it." He says and I look at James next to me who looks at me, a frightened look on his face.

"We're going to die." He whispers to me before turning his attention back to Mr. McGovner.

"This year is going to be hard for all of you, even if you think that you're the best at english. English is a beautiful language that needs to be used in the correct way and so this year I will teach you everything there is to know about the subject." He explains. "So, this lesson, all I'm asking you to do it to write an essay for me, telling me about yourself. Make sure it's formal but make sure it's exciting and not a dull to read." The man continues, turning around and picking up a pen and begins writing on the whiteboard in front of him.

"I bet if he were to write us an essay, it would be pretty dull and boring." James whispers and I let out a small snort, instantly covering my face, embarrassed.

"Did you just snort?" James asks, laughing.

"Shut up." I whine, still embarrassed I had just snorted in front of my new friend.

"This is the due date." Mr. McGonver says, gaining our attention once again. The date gave us exactly two days to write the essay.

"I am giving you all two days to write this essay, so I'm expecting it to be at top level." He says and I sigh internally. "And because of this, you can all leave now, I'm not going to teach you anything because each and every single one of you should know how to write a decent essay." He says and dismisses us.

"Well, I know what I'm going to be doing for the next two days." James laughs, packing up all of his things. "And do you wanna hang or something? We can explore a little, I don't know." James says, slinging his bag across his shoulders and I nod.

"That'll be cool." I say, copying his actions, heading towards the door. "We can find out where the music lecture room is."

"That's actually a reasonable idea." He says and gets out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, unraveling it to reveal a map of the area. "Says here it's room 45c."

"I don't understand all of the letters after the numbers." I admit, looking for the room. "Like, there isn't even a 45a or 45b."

"Pretty much." He laughs and suddenly stops, causing me to bump into him.

"James!" I whine and he laughs awkwardly.

"Sorry, not a good thing to do to someone you just met." He admits, scratching his neck.

"It's okay, things happen." I laugh. "Why'd you stop anyway?" I ask, walking next to him.

"It's the bulletin board. I just wanted to see what they have going on here." He tells me and I nod, looking at the numerous posters supporting information about several different clubs and activities around the campus.

"We should join the school band!" James claps his hands excitedly and I shake my head laughing.

"No thanks." I tell him and he frowns, continuing down the corridor and I follow.

"Why not?" He asks, looking over his shoulder as if to check I was still following.

"Well, would you?" I ask and he thinks for a second.

"It'll be cool to be in a band, but not a school band." He decides and I laugh.

"Maybe someday." I smile at him and we continue navigating ourselves through the large building, looking for room 45c.

"Here it is!" James smiles, stopping in front of a door identical to the door for the English lecture room.

"Now we know." I smile and James opens the door quickly and shuts it just as quickly, looking at me with a bright red face.

"There was a lecture already happening." He whispers, grabbing my arm and leading me quickly outside of the building.

"You're such a dork!" I start laughing and he eventually joins me, taking a seat underneath a tree outside.

"That always happens to me, it's so embarrassing." He complains and I shrug.

"It happens to the best of us."

"Do you wanna go catch lunch of something?" He asks and I smile, nodding.

"I'd love to James."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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