Chapter 1

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The sun was shining through my bedroom window, making it extremely difficult to fall back to sleep. I turned over and tried to shield myself from the bright morning light coming through, but it wouldn't work. I yawned and stretch my arms, "I guess that's all the sleep I will be getting for now" I told myself "time to get up and get ready for school".  I looked over at my alarm clock, it was only 7:15, I had an hour and half to get ready. I got up and went down stairs to get breakfast, I put the kettle on and got myself a mug and my favourite tea. The kettle was done boiling in about 2 minutes I poured it into my mug added a teaspoon of sugar and headed back upstairs. 

I went straight to my closet, opened up the doors and stared at my clothes. I grabbed a pair of dark blue jeans and a cream coloured knitted shirt. I looked at myself in the mirror, "yup just right" I walked over to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and combed my hair. I added a little bit of perfume and walked out, I grabbed my tea from my dresser and packed my bag for school as I sipped on my tea. I headed down stairs, when I saw a note from my mom. I read it , "hey honey, remember that you have to pick up some milk and eggs from the grocery store. Your father and I won't be home until 10:00, and I need those ingredients to make the cake for work tomorrow. Love you. P.S. Have a good day at school." I sign and put my boots and coat on. I walk out of the house, what a nice day, best weather so far for November, I'm already dreading December. The thought of freezing my bum off walking to school, causes a chill to crawl up my back and a load "brrrr" to leave my mouth. At least it's only a 15 minute walk to school, it could be worst. It is a pretty small town, I once walked it from one end to the other in 2 hours. Of course it was hot that day, and I'm no fitness athlete, they would probably make it in an hour. Well the main thing is that its a homey and welcoming town. The only two down sides are that everyone is in your business and nothing goes unseen or unheard to put it nicely. Also the town is run by a motorcycle club, to say lightly. The folks, pretend all is swell and act as though they don't have any clue of what happens behind close doors. Lets just say they turn a blind eye to them, also the sherif and entire police department do too. But it isn't that bad, they have their clubhouse or what I like to call it "layer" right at the edge of town almost on the boundary dividing this town from the next. They help the town, even if the rest of the folks pretend they don't exist. I kind of like them, you see them a lot during the summertime riding on their bikes and hanging out at the diner. I think that's enough about them,I'm most at school already. That was quick. 

I finally make it to school, my nose is red and my body is cold. I head to my locker and say hi to a few of my teachers on my way. I open my locker and take out my books for class, change my boots to shoes and remove my coat. I close the door to my locker and head into class. Mr. Andrew walks in right as the bell rings. He says good morning to use and asks us to open our books to page 30 of to kill a mockingbird. He starts reading to us, I follow along. But after 30 minutes of listen to Mr.Andrews tiring voice I slowly start to wonder off. I look out the window, which is right beside my desk and stare at the snow covered ground. With the sunny hitting it right know, it looks like a sparkly blanket. I wish I could just wrap myself up and take a nap. Suddenly the bell rings and I almost jump out of my seat. I was so caught up in my own thoughts I hadn't even realized that class was over. I stand up and head over to math. I take a seat in the back, and start writing notes. Time moves so fast I don't even realize that it's already lunch. I can't believe today is moving along quickly, usually it's the opposite. I head back to my locker to drop of my books and grab my lunch. I walk over to the stairs and seat underneath them. I start eating my lunch and working on my essay for world issues, when I hear Brittany and the rest of her posse heading down the stairs. They speak so loud that anyone would know it's them, they stop at the bottom and Nicole one of Brittany's friends sees me. She says, "YUCK, why do we even have ugly fat cows like you at our school, we all know that you don't belong here". They all look at me and laugh. Brittany of course can't go without leaving her comment, she says "What a FAT COW? How can you even live with yourself, no guy will ever like you nor want to touch you.", she turns around and starts to walk away and the rest of her posse does the same shouting "FAT COW" as they leave. I look down at myself and sigh. I wish I could look like them, but I could never look like them. I have tried to starve myself, workout and diet but nothing works. I don't know how to lose all the weight I have on my body.  I get up and throw my lunch away and head back to my locker. I have 10 more minutes before class starts but Mrs. Gallo always leaves her classroom open. I grab my books and head to her room. I take a seat in the back corner and keep working on my world issue essay. The students slowly start to pile into class. I am almost done the first argument when Ms. Gallo tells us its a free class period to work on our essay. I use the time to finish my first and second argument, when the class bell rings. I collect my papers and walk back to my locker, since I have a spare next period I can go home. I put my coat on, changed my shoes into my boots and pack my backpack. I leave the school and remember I have to go to the grocery store to pick up milk and eggs for my mom. I start to walk to the grocery store. 

In no time at all I reach the parking lot of the grocery store. It isn't busy, probably because all the kids are still in school and everyone else is either at home or at work. I walk into Fresh-mart and remove my gloves and scarf. I head toward the cold section, I grab a carton of 2% milk and eggs. I start to make my way toward the cash resistor, as I turn the corner of one of the aisles. I walk right into a walk and fall onto the floor. My carton of eggs and milk fall and land right on top of me. I am all covered in eggs and my head hurts, since I just got smacked in the head with a carton of milk. I look up, with my hand on my head and see that instead of walking into a wall. I actually just hit the most gorgeous man in the world and he is smirking right at me. 

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