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We've all read them. Harry Potter vs. Twilight, Jelsa vs. Jackunzel, 1D sucks, Justin Bieber: Life of a Gay, how one random fandom trounces another. The endless cycle of why this is better than that. In this book, I will personally make fun of opinion books in general, in my own opinion book.

Wow. can you say hypocritical?
Sure. "hypocritical"!

Anyway, I know what you're thinking. Why make fun of opinion books IN AN OPINION BOOK? All jesting aside, it's kind of dumb to contradict your own credibility and reasoning in your own work. That's the whole point, you see!

In time you'll understand, through this book. A True Blue Book, where I tell it how it is. Or how it should be.

haha I am gonna have SO much fun with this!

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