The Secret

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Hey my gorgeous readers! I just came to say that this is my first Wattpad story so hope you like it and please feel free to vote and comment! (please no nasty comments; i've had it b4) OK bye bye *mwa*

Hugz 4 u all! (>^^)>  Lots of love from Kitii <3>


Hi. I'm Nitasha and I'm 15 years old. Me and my friends have a No-Secrets Club at our school. It seems fine...until you have a secret that you are just too scared to tell. Like me.

Chapter 1

Dear Diary,

I feel like my whole world is crumbling around me. I am sitting on my comfy crimson beanbag with tears streaming down my cheeks. Mum is screaming and cursing downstairs, just sharp little muffles here and there to me. Dad is smashing glasses and attempting to hurt Mum. I tried so hard to keep it together, even at school I continued to be as friendly as I could, not letting anything slip to my friends. Our friendship is hanging on the balance as I am being miserable and depressing. I bet they don't even like me anymore, just acting kind  so that I wouldn't have no friends. Maybe that's it. I am just so horrid all of the time. No, Tash. Keep it together.

I get up, walk across the hall to the bathroom and grab a bunch of tissues. I stare into the mirror. Why me? I have mascara streaks all the way down my cheeks, bloodshot eyes and messy hair. Get it together Tash. I fix my hair with a quick straggle of a brush, wipe away the mess on my face and rub my eyes. I look... better. I take a long. deep breath and shiver. I take the first step downstairs. A loud creak underneath my foot sounds and I cringe inside then silence takes over. I hear my mother's soft footsteps slowly come towards the foot of the stairs.

I try to quickly slip away but she catches me. She doesn't look the same. Instead of her usual motherly look, she has this cold, stern, yet, vulnerable look on her face. I rush away but halt at the top. I turn back and stagger towards her. She hugs me, with soft muffles of sorrow here and there. She smells of strong perfume and alcohol. I squeeze her back then pull myself away for a second. She looks nothing like my mum, just a messed-up woman, a tortured soul. I go to ask how she is but she neglects my hospitality. Neglect being the word I would have used.


Ok so thx 4 reading it would mean so much 2 me if you voted. commented or did whatever you do on here! Whatever floats ur boat! ok thx for being the awesomest person ever! Kitii xxxcxxx


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2013 ⏰

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