Chapter 1

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"You chug a fifth of alcohol by yourself and everyone around you is too busy cheering to wonder how empty you had to be in order to do it." I finish reading out to my best friend Lynn as she looks at me with her eyebrows scrunched.

"I don't know, man. Not your best work but it was deep. Good job M." I love how she never sugar coats anything. Constructive criticism is what I live for.

"Thanks Lynn." She nods and smiles looking back down to her book she has been reading for well over 5 days.

"Get out!!" I hear my mother shout downstairs. Lynn looks at me and shakes her head.

I head over to the door and tell Lynn to stay where she is. I open my bedroom door quietly and tip toe down the hallway to hide behind the corner of the dinning room.

I see my mother in tears and my father with a knife at his side. I start trembling and want to run out in front of my mother so he slices me instead.

"Shut the fuck up Audrey!!" My father shouts creating the windows to shake.

My mother screams again for him to get out. He walks toward her with the knife as she backs away slowly.

"Say it again and see what happens!!!" He shouts again. As he's walking toward her he notices me in the corner of his eye.

He stops in his tracks and and mechanically moves his head toward me. But not the knife toward my mom.

"What do you want." He says sternly.

"I- I just wanted-" He then cuts me off.

"Starve yourself! Get the hell away!" He yells.

"P-please don't hurt her." I say feeling tears behind my eyes.

"I SAID GET AWAY YOU UGLY BITCH!!" He stomps over to me and before he punches me I see Lynn standing at the end of the hallway bawling and running over to me and my mom running to the phone.

His fist goes right through my head it seems. I fall to the floor barely seeing. Everything starts to go black and I hear screaming and crying from Lynn. My shouts out him saying I could die from a temple shot.

And in that moment I wouldn't care if I died.

Lynn grabs my hand and faces my face toward hers. Everything is muffled. I can barely hear or see. The side of my face is bleeding from the knife. It cut my face. It's numb.

"Meadow please wake up. Meadow look at me." I can somewhat hear Lynn saying to me. I try and look at her but everything is throbbing. Everything goes dark.
I wake up in my living room with blankets and ice on my head. My face is patched up where there is probably a big cut.

"She's waking up." I hear my mom say. Lynn scrambles to her feet and comes to me.

"Where is he." I say barely having a voice.

"He took off. Hopefully he won't be back." My eyes widen as much as they could without wanting to pop out.

"Why didn't you call 911?" I ask. Lynn has tears going down her face.

"I had to take care of you-" I cut my mom off.

"You need to handle him first though! He's going to come back!" My mom shakes her head. And I look back to Lynn.

"He will." And with that Lynn shrugs and is really disappointed.
Lynn and I go to school the next day and thank god we are graduating next year. I can't take this hell hole any longer.

"Meadow!" Mr. Aulph shouts out to me. I turn around and acknowledge him.

"What?" He smiles.

"He have a new kid and I ask if you would introduce yourself. You need to be more open to people." I shake my head.

"Oh no thanks I'm all good." He grabs my wrist and pulls me to his office. What part of no do people not get.

I'm yanked in his office and see a guy sitting at his desk. He looks like your typical Abercrombie model. I roll my eyes.

It's been a week since I have seen my father. The cut has healed and I cover it with makeup so people can't see the bruises and scars. The boy looks at me and winks. I practically want to puke.

"My name is Austin. What's yours?" Smirking at me.

"Meadow." He keeps smirking and nods his head.

"Show him the school M." Mr. Aulph tells me. I groan and tell the kid to get up and follow me. I see his eyes move from mine to my chest and I instantly already want to go.

"My eyes are up here." I say and his face turns a light pink. I turn around and walk out of the office with the kid at my heels.

This will honestly be such a long ass school year.
Hey everyone! This is my first book and I'm pretty excited about this one. This was a pretty short chapter which I do apologize but hopefully weekly if not 2 weeks to updates and I hope y'all really enjoy this :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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