Demons Pt. 1 (DeanxReader)

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Note: y/n= your name, h/c= hair color


The hunter paced back and forth, his boots hitting the ground with loud stomps. His brother looked up, long brown hair feathering around his face.

"Dean, stop pacing," he ordered.

"Shut up, Sam," Dean replied, fixing his brother with a glare. His younger brother shrugged and turned his attention to the motel window, partially covered in dirty curtains. "It's been a week!" he huffed, wringing his wrists. "Oh, when I catch that demon, I swear I'm gonna frigging rip his heart out!" Sam looked at him with concern.

"You're not the only one that cares about (Y/n)," he said sternly.

"But you're not--" Dean stopped himself. "You're not ready to fight," he amended quickly. Sam raised an eyebrow and stared at his fellow hunter.

"I'm just fine."

"That vamp attack," Dean blustered.

"...Was like a week ago, Dean. I'm fine," Sam insisted, tapping his pencil on the paper.

"I never should have told her to do this," the spiky-haired hunter groaned, pulling his hand down his face. "God, she wasn't... I shouldn't have asked her to be the bait." Sam scrunched his eyebrows, unused to seeing his brother in a fit. Usually, he was calm and collected.

"Dean, griping about it isn't gonna save (Y/n) anytime soon," the tall hunter growled, anger etched on his face.

"But I should have protected her!" Dean roared, hitting the lamp on the bedside table. It went flying into the wall, shattering into a thousand pieces.

"She volunteered!" Sam shouted, the stress of the past few days and his brother's outburst finally reaching its peak. He stood up roughly. "She said she would go, and you know as well as I that we couldn't have stopped her!"

"I still could've tried harder!" Dean insisted furiously, slumping down on the bed. His voice dropped to a whisper. "I could have saved her..."


You opened your eyes slowly, eyelids flickering. Your once-beautiful (h/c) hair was in rough shape, tangled and bloody. Your lip was busted, and blood trickled down your ankles and wrists where the shackles dug into the tender flesh. A shock ran down your arms, which started shuddering afterwards.

Tugging at the restraints for the hundredth time, you failed again to break free. Sweat dripped down your brow, and fear crept into your limbs as you heard harsh footsteps. When you lifted your head, you saw what had forced you into this position.

"Daniel," you spat, though your voice was nothing but a weak rasp. The demon smiled and touched your face softly. You recognized lust in the cruel creature's eyes and thrashed around furiously. The table underneath you felt like ice, and you winced as the demon pushed his hand on a recently inflicted wound. You bit your lip, refusing to scream. You were almost relieved when he let go, but prepared yourself for another bout of torture.

You knew what was to come next. Daniel vanished into the next room before returning with a tray full of sharp metal pieces. They almost looked like medical instruments. You shut your eyes, mentally bracing yourself for the next cut and slice.


At that very same moment, the Winchester brothers were walking around to every place (Y/n) had visited, praying that they'd find her. Their next stop was a bar named "Mojo's", a chain that they had been to more than once.

"Agents Carter and Erikson," Dean said to the barkeeper, flashing his fake ID. Normally, he'd love nothing more than to sit down at a booth and order the strongest drink the bar served, but now was hardly the time. (Y/n) was the only thing on his mind. The fat barkeeper eyed him before leaning on the polished wooden top of the bar.

"What's the FBI doing here?"

"Missing persons report," Sam replied, lifting his head. "We've tracked her as far as this bar, and we need to know if you've seen her." He showed a picture of (Y/n).

"I don't know," the barkeeper sneered. "Not sure if I remember. See, if my pockets weren't so empty, I might have a better memory." Dean growled and lunged forwards, grasping his shirt and bringing his face close to his. Fury was clear in his crystalline green eyes, and his teeth were clenched.

"Listen, buddy," he hissed, the commotion drawing the attention of the customers. "You're going to tell me exactly what you know or so help me, God, I'll rip it out of you!" Sam nudged his brother's foot, and Dean released the man. "Feel like cooperating?" The man nodded rapidly.

"I-- I saw her in here a while ago with him! I remember lookin' at her and being kind of shocked, because this guy with her was real weird looking, and she seemed nervous!"

"Did you hear anything about them or where they were going?"

"N-not much," he responded. "Just... just that he whispered something in her ear, and then promised to... to show her something she'd never forget!" Dean's lips curled up into a snarl, and it took another nudge from his brother to keep a straight face.

"Anything else?" Sam said quickly.

"I heard something when the guy went out to the back," a new voice intoned. It was very feminine. Dean turned his head to see a woman with long blonde hair and brown eyes staring at him. "He said something into his phone."

"What?" Dean's voice raised up.

"Something about setting up at the old warehouse. I don't know, it was recently sold, so he could have just been talking business." Sam glanced at Dean, who for held a spark of hope in his eyes for the first time since the demon had snatched (Y/n) right out from under their noses.

"Thank you. Is that everything?" Sam asked her. She nodded, a smile creeping onto her lips.

"I'm glad to help." The long-haired hunter nodded and walked out of the bar, his older brother right behind him. The woman watched them go, a triumphant smile on her face.

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