Demons Pt. 2 (DeanxReader

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Dean's hand tightened on the wheel of the Impala, his stare dangerous. His foot hit the gas, and immediately they shot forward. Sam gripped the seat and stared at his brother incredulously.

"(Y/n) has been fine before," he reasoned. "There's no need to get all worried."

"Sam, this is (Y/n)," Dean hissed, taking a sharp left. Sam gritted his teeth as he was thrown against the door. "I can't let her get hurt!"

"Dean," Sam warned, "you can't possibly--"

"Of course not!" Dean said quickly, speeding up again. His younger brother raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't even finish my sentence, Dean." 

"Shut up, bitch."



You panted, your strength waning by the minute. You'd held on as long as possible, but Daniel had done his torture well. Your eyes flickered, and it was only a moment before the demon returned, a large syringe in his hands. His blonde-brown hair was slicked back, and a satisfied grin was settled on his face.

"Well sweetheart," he drawled, a dark grin on his face, "let's have some more fun." He jammed the needle into your arm, and immediately fire  coursed through your veins. You clenched your teeth, throat tightening as you struggled not to scream. It was only your experience with pain and the knowledge it would stop that prevented you from giving in.

"Why do you need me?" you hissed, wincing as he tore the needle out unceremoniously. 

"It's not what I need from you," the demon snickered, this time bringing out a pair of medical scissors. "It's what you can give me."

"How is that any different?" A shiver ran down your spine as Daniel leaned in closely, his lips mere inches from your ear.

"You have nothing I need... but what I want is on its way." He stood up straight. Your eyes caught a flash of movement out of the corner of your peripheral. A young blonde woman with pitch-black eyes walked slowly across the blood-stained cement floor. "All thanks to this pretty little lady here." 

"Just what I need," you snarled, glaring at both demons with as much hatred as you could muster. "Another one of you sons-of-bitches." Absently, the kind side of you felt pity for the meatsuit while the hunter simply wanted to kill them both. 

"I'm not just another one, (Y/n)," the woman intoned, a dark smile fitting itself over her mouth. "Try the one who put Crowley under lock and key." Your dizzy mind tried to comprehend what she was saying. "Try Lucifer's right-hand lady."

"What you've done means jack sh--"

"Wait!" Daniel exclaimed, his head tipped upwards. "Do you hear that?" Everyone, including you, listened in. The thud of a closing door echoed through the empty halls. A grin stretched his snakelike lips. "The Winchesters." Daniel turned around, studying you briefly. "Val, you go south. Catch them from the sides."

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