Chapter #1

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This is Mary Micheal Knight playing Szaria (Zar-i-a) May Hayes

Chapter #1

Szaria P.O.V

Hello my names Szaria May Hayes im 23 and i'm single.(sadly but true). I own a pet shop so i make pretty well off. My best friends names are Eli Rownan he's 26 and in a relation ship with a friend of mine named Madeline Knox. She's okay not a close friend with her but shes nice and good for him so i aprove. Shes 24 years old. My other best friend is Olivia, she's 23 like me and beautiful. Anyways i'm suppose to be filing my bill and stuff but i get distracted easily and i thought id introduce myself to you guys. "Ria, wanna go get dinner with me?" My best friend Eli asked. "Sure as long as you pay." I say with a grin. He shakes his head and smile motioning me that he will. See what are best friends for haha. "Can we go to Uncle Moe's??" I ask with my puppy face. "Duh, you wont eat anywhere else and i have a friend meeting us there." He says with a sly smirk. Oh god. He's trying to hook me up with his friend's. Dear lord have mercy on me. "Whatever." I grab my keys and walk out with Eli following me out an locking the store. He takes out his keys for his Bently. Luck turd. "Why are you always setting me up? You know I'm happy single." I question him. "Even when your happy single i know you want a good healthy relationship. And i know he wants a beautiful, smart, kind, and independent women. He's hard to get threw at first but i promise he's a good guy." He replies after that I stay silent for the rest of the 10 minute car ride. Eli parked and looked around and nodded at this very handsome man. "Thats him?" I question making sure i didn't hallucinate god's beautiful man on earth. "Haha yeah, now stop staring so hard." He smirks looking at me. I blush and walk inside the cafè. I sit down and watch the two men order. Since Eli, Olivia, and me come here a lot, Eli knows what to order me. The handsome unknown man come sits across the booth from me waiting for Eli to grab the food. It was awkward for a moment until he took his hand out offering me to shake saying "Hi, im Everret, Everret Williams." I take his hand and shake saying "Szaria, Szaria Hayes." I pulled my hands away under the table. "How are you" i blurt not wanting to be supper awkaward. "I'm fine and you?" He replies "Uh good i suppose." Just then Eli returns with all if our food. "Szaria our boneless bbq wings and loaded fries with sour scream and a sweat tea, Everret heres your food." Eli says handing them out. "Thanks E." I respond to him. "Why? Why must I pay for you and Olivia every time we come here?" He asks curiously. " Because were 'broke'" i say with a laugh. " Liar own a pet shop, an get good business and your telling me your broke?" He says laughing. "Yes, yes i am." I say smiling. "Everett how's Forrest?" Eli says happily. "He'good. He misses you coming around. His birthday is coming up in 2 weeks. He's getting old on me." He says slightly pouting. "Aww poor you. I miss him too." He says back. Eli phones start ringing. He looks at the caller i.d and says "i gotta go the lady calls." He says a light chuckle. "Bye E" "Bye Eli" Everret and I say at the same time. We all laugh and Eli heads out. "How old are you?" I ask. "25. You?" "23". Im curious to know who Forrest is but i dont want to ask. " Wondering who Forrest is?" He askes with a small smile. " Yeah, but you don't have to tell me unless you want to." I say with my blush "He's my son. He's 3. Turning 4." "Aww he sounds so cute." I replied. "Your not weirded out for me having a son with him having no mother?" He asks shocked. "Nope, it's not my business or my right to judge. And I love kids i want kids of my own someday." I say with a shy smile. "You are amazing." "Thanks, your a good guy and seem like a good dad to Forrest." I say back. "That means a lot. Telling me I'm a good father and all." "Its no problem. I think its true." His phone started ringing and he excuses himself. I nod and start thinking. He's actually a good guy. He's kind and handsome. Yeah he has a 3 year old but who cares. Who is anyone to judge a single father? No one should. I get interrupted by him coming back. "I'm sorry this can't be longer but my son needs me." He says panicing. "Then why are you still here?? Get your boy. Family before friends." I tell him shooing him away. " You are a very wonderful women. Can i have your number before i go?" He asked with a wide smile. "Of course" i give him my phone and he gave me his."thanks for understanding." He says and runs out. I grab my phone from the table and walk back to my pet store with a big smile and thinking how good this went. And i have to remember to thank Eli when i see him for setting this up. He did very good this time. Ahh i think i might get to like Everret and i hope he feels the same about me. I get to the shop and grab my things and get into my jeep. It takes 30 minutes to get to my apparent with traffic today. Its about 10 when i get home so i shower and hurry to bed setting my alarm. My phone goes off and i check my message

Sexy Daddy😏(Everret):
Goodnight beautiful :) <3

Szaria The Amazing😍(Szaria):
Goodnight "Sexy Daddy" good luck woth whatever happened with Forrest :)

Sexy Daddy:
He's good. Just an extreme hide and seek where the nanny cant find him.

Szaria The Amazing:
At least he's safe and no ones hurt i hope

Sexy Daddy:
No ones hurt. Thankfully

Szaria The Amazing:
Thats good night Everret

Sexy Daddy:
Goodnight i hope i see you again.

With that i fall asleep with a smile on my face


So heres my first chapter and i hope you like it. Please comment vote and share this.

Words Written: 1,111

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