A mare,short red hair,a short red tail,and pale brown fur,stood next to her stallion he had black fur and a curly deep brown mane and tail.They both looked at their foals who were in a crib together "They're beautiful" the stallion softly whispered to the mare "Well...it did take both of us to make such beautiful foals" the stallion gently headbutted her shoulder and looked at her,and her amber eyes.She looked at his blue ones.The mare looked back at the foals in their crib "What do you think their eyes will look like?" the stallion looked with her "Hmm...who knows" he muttered "Maybe they'll both have your eyes" she smiled and both touched muzzles "Hey..." the stallion had an idea "How about we get them a pet?" he smiled "But they haven't even opened their eyes yet" the stallion's smile faded a little but came back "How about after their first day of school?" the mare nodded and both went to their own bed and went to sleep.