Chapter six

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*kennedy's POV*
4 months later..
February 12th, 2010

Mom and I were just arriving to the doctors for my 5 month checkup.
I was really nervous, what if my baby wasn't healthy? I wonder if it's a boy or maybe a girl?
Let me catch you up on the mast 4 months,
Justin has been trying to contact me for the past four months but I never responded to any of his texts or calls. He needed to forget about me, he needed to focus on his career.
His tour 'my world' started two weeks ago, I was so proud of him but of course I couldn't congratulate him.
He arrived in Canada yesterday because he has a show here tomorrow. The entire group is going, except me.
I couldn't just show up 5 months pregnant like 'surprise'.

Jess has been really helpful through the past 4 months. I think she's more excited for the baby to get here than me. She has been looking for baby names for a while now but couldn't find the perfect one. Plus we didn't even know what the gender was, I think we'll be finding out today but I don't know.

Addie still hates me but I could care less, she hasn't told the entire school yet. Speaking of school, I have been doing on line schooling since I found out that I was pregnant, I had to do it for 3 hours straight everyday.

Chaz, Ryan, and Nolan are doing great. They all made the varsity basketball team at school and I couldn't be more proud. I went to most of their away games, they did great every time. Chaz has an on and off again girlfriend named Samantha, she's really sweet. Nolan is still single but mentally dating food. Ryan is single but I swear he has a crush on Jess, I hope they get together sometime.
"C'mon Ken" my mom called to me from the entrance of the doctors.
"Oh uh sorry" wow I was deep in thought.
We walked into the doctors office and there wasn't many women in the waiting room. There were about 4 other pregnant women in the waiting room.
Mom and I sat down on the chairs, she picked up a parenting magazine while I just examined my surroundings.  The room was big and filled with many seats and a couple fish tanks.
"Kennedy Roberts?" I heard someone call my name, I turned around to see the doctor standing there with a clip board.
"That's me" I smiled at her and got up, my mom doing the same. The doctor returned my smile and led us to a room where we'd be doing the checkup.
"Okay Kennedy, you can lay down right here" Dr. Greene told me, I have been coming to Dr. Greene every four weeks since I first found out that I was pregnant. She was a really nice lady. Dr. Greene looks to be about 45-50 years old, she was tall about 5'8, she had dark brown hair, and she was slim.
"Are you ready to see you're baby?" She asked and I nodded my head vigorously, I loved looking at my little baby every couple of weeks. I cried every single time.
"Okay so today during the ultrasound we will be measuring your baby from crown to rump, and around its waist and head to confirm proper growth," she told me as she lifted my shirt and applied the cold gel to my stomach "I will also check other things to make sure your baby is A-ok" I nodded and waited patiently to hear my baby's heartbeat echo through the room.
"Will we be able to find out the sex?"
"If you'd like" she smiled. Wow I'd get to know if my baby was a boy or girl.
I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard the loud sound of a heartbeat fill my ears, I looked over to Dr. Greene and she smiled.
"The heartbeat sounds beautiful, oh look there's your baby's head, and it's legs are right there" she told me, my eyes began filling with tears. I wish Justin was here to see our baby grow. 
"Wow" was all I could say.
"Your baby looks extremely healthy and its growing rate looks like it's going completely normal" she informed me and I just nodded, not able to speak through the years.
"Would you like to know the sex? I can clearly tell right here if you'd like to know"
"Yes please" I hiccuped, wow I was a mess.
"Congratulations you're going to be having a beautiful baby girl"
A baby girl, I'm going to be having a beautiful baby girl in less than four months.
"Thank you"
"I'll go print you out some pictures, feel free to clean off the gel" she handed me a towel and walked out of the room.
I cleaned off my big belly and pulled out my phone to text in the group chat.
jess😇💙, Nolan🍟🍔, Chaz💸, Ryan💛👹;
Guys I just found out the sex of the baby! It's a girl
I sent them a quick text and waited for a reply
Omg awhh I'm gonna go shopping for cute baby clothes rn!!

Baby bieber is gonna be a cute little beast😍


Okay Ryan bahahah & Ken can we all come over l8er?

Jess😇💙, Nolan🍟🍔, chaz💸, Ryan💛👹;
Yeah! Come over tonight at sayyy 8:00?

I can't 2night😭

The rest of us will be there, BRING US PICTURES!!

I laughed at the texts messages and looked up to see Dr. Greene walking back into the room.
"I forgot to ask you how many pictures you wanted printed out so I just printed 10" she laughed.
"Thank you very much" I took the envelope that was filled with pictures of mine and Justin's baby girl.
"No problem Kennedy, I'll see you in four weeks" she smiled, I thanked her one more time before walking back out to the waiting room to see my mom still sitting in the chair she was in before, she was just reading a different magazine.
"Hi mom, ready to go?" I asked her while I pulled my jacket on, it was freezing in Canada.
"Yes, how did it go?" She asked while standing up from the chair. We started walking out of the doctors and out to the car.
"Well Dr. Greene said that the baby was completely healthy and I also found out the gender of the baby" I said excitedly, we got into the car and pulled out of the parking lot.
"Well? Am I going to be a grandma to a baby boy or baby girl?" She glanced over at me and then looked back at the road. She looked so excited.
"I'm having a girl mom!" I squealed and so did my mom.
"Awh my baby girl is having a baby girl" she cooed, my mom was going to be great with the baby.
"Ryan and Jess are out buying the baby clothes already" I laughed as we pulled onto our street.
"Oh boy" she chuckled right as we pulled into our drive way.
"Who's car is that?" I asked looking at a
Black Mercedes Benz that was parked in our drive way.
"I have no idea" she answered as we got out of the car.
We started walking up To the front door, I noticed a women standing on our porch.
"Pattie?" My mom questioned and the women turned to look at us. Sure enough there was my moms best friend standing on our porch.
Oh my god, she's going to notice my swollen stomach. She's going to know that I'm pregnant, What am I going to do?
"Oh my goodness" pattie said while engulfing my mom into a hug. I walked past them and walked into the house.
"Pattie come in" I heard my mom say. I sat down at the table and soon enough my mom and pattie sat down too.
"What are you doing here?" My mom asked her in a kind way.
"Well Justin is performing here tomorrow so we came earlier and are staying at my parents house," she told us "we have been so worried about you Kennedy, Justin said that he's been trying to reach you ever since we left and he said you haven't been responding"
"I know pattie and I really need to tell you something.." I looked over at my mom who had a worried expression but nodded her head for me to continue.
"PattieImPregnantWithJustinsBaby" I said really really quickly, she just had a puzzled look on her face.
"Slower Kennedy, say it slower" she laughed.
"I'm pregnant with Justin's baby..."
"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you but i can't
Tell Justin, it will ruin his career and I can't pull him away from that, his career of his dream is just kicking off and a baby would definitely get in the way. I'm sorry" I mumbled, Keeping my eyes on my hands.
"I agree, but he'll have to find out someday Kennedy"
"I know, but not now. Not anytime soon, I can't do that to him"
"You're right, he's not ready for this responsibility," she sighed "but I'm willing to help you out with any medical bills and I want to visit as much as I can"
"Okay, sure"
"Do you know what you're having?" She asked, she looked excited but a little bit worried, hopefully we can make this work.
"A baby girl" I smiled at the thought of holding my baby in my arms as she sleeps peacefully.
"That's wonderful Ken, I can't wait to see her. I'm sorry that Justin has to miss out on this"
"He is living his dream, I don't mind. I just hope he won't get mad at me" I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.
"You'll be a great mother"

Thank you for reading chapter six, I don't know if I the next chapter should be another filler chapter or should it be after the baby is born!
Help me out!

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