Dean X Reader 1.1

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WARNING: Contains torture, blood and swearing.


'We're gonna go gank these sons of bitches.' Dean said as he threw on a jacket.

'And I'm not allowed to come because...?'
With wide eyes, Dean looked at Sam desperately and cleared his throat.
'Come on Dean, you've been avoiding the question all evening.'

The younger Winchester sighed.

'Uh, Y/N, it might be a little unwise for you to hunt vampires, as're on... because its your...lady week.' Sam explained, looking anywhere apart from at you. You realised and nodded in agreement as the boys stood awkwardly.

'Ugh gross...Alright fine, I'll stay, but don't expect the chocolate to be here when you get back.'

You grinned as they rolled their eyes. Sam gave you a little wave and Dean strode over to your bed, to lock his lips with yours. He pulled back, his forest green eyes staring into your e/c ones. Then, with a smile, planted a loving kiss on your forehead.

'I love you.'

'Don't die okay?' You called after him, as he swung a duffel bag over his shoulder.

'Well, we both know I'll find a way back to you if I do.' He winked, as he closed the door of the motel room behind him.

As it was getting late, you decided to get ready for bed. Before crawling under the covers, you retrieved a pillow, and put it on Dean's side, to make it feel as though he were there. With his pillow in your arms, your eyelids gently fluttered shut.


You woke to feel a hand on your shoulder. Dean was back.
'Hey, what time is it?' You asked, yawning.

'Time to go.'

The voice that replied, was definitely not Dean.



'You did great today.' Dean told Sam as he closed the trunk of the impala.

'Thanks, you too. Hey, uh, you know its Valentines Day soon, right?'

'Wha-When?' Dean's eyes widened.


'Ok.' He whistled in relief. 'You scared me there Sammy, I still got two days to get her something.'

Sam chuckled as he opened the motel room door.
'Yeah but-'

They both stood in the doorway, staring at what lay before them. The room was torn to pieces and a disturbingly large pile of blood stained the grimey motel carpet a deep crimson.

'What the...' Sam couldn't finish his sentence as Dean shoved past him and started calling out for you.

'Y/N. Y/N?!' Dean ran his hands through his hair, trembling.
'No,no,no,no,NO!' He kicked over a chair, and clenched his fists, his back to Sam.
Suddenly, his phone vibrated in his pocket.
He looked at the number.


'Son of a bitch.' He muttered and pressed answer.

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