Chapter 13

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Avalina P.O.V

I walked back into Miguel's room to find that mikyle had left.

I closed the door and I was about to head into the shower until I realised that I didn't have any changing clothes.

I took my phone and I diald Sam's number and she picked up immediately.


Me:hey I have two problems

Sam:okay what's wrong

Me:well first I don't have any clothes and second I'm stuck in a house with two gorgeous men

Sam:oh shit girl...anyway I was on my way to bring you clothes

Me:how did you get my clothes

Sam:well Nancy figured that you would need some clothes so she gave me a bag full of clothes

Me:oh ok...does she know where I am?

Sam:no but she says it's best you don't come back because mary and Natalie where planning on killing someone and she thinks it's you

Me:wow...ok Well I'll see you here then

Sam:cool bye

I hung up and I plopped onto the bed face first.

I can't believe all this nonsense is happening to me.

But then again I have mary and Natalie in my life so why not have any bullshit.

Mikyle busted into my room and he looked out the window holding a pistol.

I stood by the window and I saw Sam down  there.

"What hell are you doing standing infornt of the window you could get shot "he said as he grabbed me roughly forcing me to crouch down next to him.

"Ow let go of me...I stood there cause I knew it Sam down there"I said as I stood up.

I walked down the stairs as mikyle followed behind me in silence.

I opened the door and Sam stood there giggling and typing away on her phone.

She looked and her jaw dropped as she laid eyes on mikyle.

"Hello earth to Samantha "I said as I snapped my fingers in her face.

She blinked a couple of times.

I stepped out and I closed the door.

"Oh dear Lord in heaven I knew you listened to my prays when I asked you send me an angel"she said as she saw mikyle walk by through the window.

"Samantha really now?"I asked

"Sorry it's not my fault that boy is hotter than the sun"she said

"Anyway I need an introduction "she said as I rolled my eyes.

I stood there crossing my arms and looking at her up and down in an unpleasant manner.

"Please avalina"she said

"I guess you can do that your self"I said as I chuckled and shook my head

"Ok"she said ecxitedly

We walked back into the house and we found mikyle in the kitchen typing on his phone while leaning on the counter.

"Hi"Sam said and he looked at her

"Oh hi"he said

"I'm Sam..."she said with a smile

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