im a idiot, and kidnapped -8-

459 12 1

I was scared crapless, here i was powerlesss, and being kidnapped from my ex-boyfriend.  To make it even better they put iron handcuffs on me, and then shuddered when i didnt cringe in fear.  The tinted windows only made it harder for me to see, as i was jostled back and forth, from giant bumps, that wouldnt be found in the middle or a road.  After the first few minutes, i could feel bruises rising up to my skin, and my knuckles bleeding from slamming into the ground, second after second.  Nick was only watching me completly confused, with a suspicious grin on his face.  His face then fell, when he gazed at how helpless i was in this situation.  I was laying in a crumbled ball, with tears running down my face, soaking my torn shirt.  I bet he didnt even care, he probably never liked me, just wanted some girl to follow him around, or he was too good for a hero like me.  Oh how love can destroy you.

His face fell, as i stared at him with utter hate and rage, as i started to thrash around in the handcuffs, only to topple over to the otherside of the van, as it turned.  I was a mess, my once straight hair knotted, and my clean face, was full of mascara.  I knew i have saved people from getting kidnapped, but i never thought about me being kidnapped.  It was an eerie feeling, a feeling that made me uncomfortable in the stomach.  "Why did you do this?"  Nick's voice was stern, as he looked away from my pityful face, with disgust.  My hands shaking, from pain, i stared up at him and narrowed my eyes.  "I wanted a change."  I then faced the other direction as the van finally started to slow down.  Sighing in relief, i felt hands roughly grab me and throw me over their shoulders.  I was tired, all energy gone, and all i could do was sag into the persons arm, and watch as my final tear cascade down my face.

Blond hair, tickled my neck, as i felt his pace start to slow down, and open a cabin door, it was then that i realized we were away from civilization,and in the middle of a forest.  I could get lost, or found if i ran away, i hate powers.  I took in a deep breath, of the woody air, as we walked into the dark cabin.  A hand then threw me onto a chair, tying me with iron chains, as the other guys walked in.  Nick looking away at the farthest corner then looked at me with pity.  "What liquid did you take?"  his voice was full of worry, and also anger, from losing my powers.  I glared back at him with hatred, and answered knowing he probably didnt know about the potion.  "I think it was called Frahnico"  I murmured only loud enough for Nick to hear.  His gaze then turned to me with urgency, and appeared to me and started to untie me.  "Oh my god, idiot take her down, she'll need to be caged...Should of known...Animal...changing...different!"  I didnt understand what Nick was saying, i didnt care either, i just felt wierd, like i was going to change, but that was such a lie, as i thought about it.

I held onto Nick as he carried me down five flights of stairs, before opening a stainless steal door, and throwing me into a giant cage. The place smelt like a combo of animals and humans, and something mythical, and then my body felt like it was burning on fire.  "Only Angel had Frahnico, only Angel can shift, and not only will you idiot be able to change apeareances, but be stronger."  Nick bellowed as he walked out, leaving me in withering pain.  All i heard was a shrill scream escape my mouth, and the stainless door slam shut, before everything went black.


i had to get something up, excuse my grammer, i dont have word on my newer computer :/  but at least 5 votes?  you dont have to, just want to get back into some rankings :)

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