Chapter 4- Sophie

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Chapter 4


Parking my car into one of the few empty parking spots left, I gathered my textbooks and bag. I got out of the car and ran towards the school building, locking the doors behind me. When I opened the door to the building, I was greeted with a burst of cool air, making my hair fly back. I quickly walked down the hall, passing nearby students and teachers. I approached my classroom door and turned the knob, opening the door.

When I entered the classroom, I gave a sigh of relief, thankful that class hadn't started yet. I looked around for an empty seat and found one in the middle. Shuffling past the students, I finally made it to the seat and sat down.

Looking around, I noticed everyone was quiet. Quieter than usual. I shrugged and unzipped my backpack, fishing out my history textbook. Setting it on my desk, I heard the doors swing open and footsteps walking into the classroom. I looked up to see Mr. Burner at the chalkboard, writing our assignments on the board.

Sighing, I got out my notebook and pen and began writing.

Three hours later, the chimes rung for the classes to be dismissed. While I was packing up my books, I felt eyes burning into the back of my head. I zipped up my bag and turned around, looking up at the back seats. No one was there so I picked up my bag and walked out of the classroom.

Walking out of the building, I instantly got the wave of Florida heat. I quickly walked over to my car, freezing as I caught a glimpse of something on the black, shiny hood. A bouquet of jasmine flowers were resting on the hood, with a lavender ribbon binding them together. I looked around for someone; anyone who could've put these here. Slowly walking towards the car, I reached out and picked up the flowers.

"What the hell..." I whispered to myself, examining the flowers. Looking around again, I edged towards my car door. I opened it and slid inside, setting the flowers and my bag in the passenger seat. I started my car and drove out of the parking lot and onto the road.

After a few minutes of driving down the road, I glanced at the flowers sitting on my bag. How weird is that? First, it's roses and now jasmines...

Pulling into the bar where I work, I parked the car and hopped out, grabbing my bag. The flowers tumbled to the floor of the car, causing a few petals to break off. I ignored it and shut the door, locking it.

When I entered the bar, things were quiet. Some of the workers were clearing off some of the dirty tables, Amy, one of the waitresses, was wiping down the bar, and a few families were eating at the empty, mahogany tables. Sam's Bar is family-friendly during the day, but at night we mostly get drunks. I envy Amy, who only worked during the day.

Amy noticed me walking in and gave a sigh of relief.

"Thank God! I thought you weren't ever coming in, Sophie!" she said, reaching behind her back to take off her waist apron. She tossed it onto a bottom shelf behind her then came around the counter.

"Yeah, sorry, classes ran a little late today," I said, walking past her. She flipped her strawberry blonde hair and followed me to the back. We passed the kitchen, waving hi to Monroe, the main cook, and turned the corner into Sam's office. Sam was sitting at his desk, counting the money from last night. He heard us walking in and turned to look at us.

"Hey, Sophie," he said, smiling at me. He turned to Amy. "Going home now?"

She nodded at him. "Yeah, I have to get home to Hillary," she said. Hillary was Amy's daughter. She got pregnant right out of high school and is now a single mom. She brings Hillary into the bar sometimes, and Sam allows her to stay in the back.

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