Written September 1999
The days are so bright and merry
The birds cheerfully sing up above
The tall, proud tree of sweet cherry
And it's because of you, Kav.You've got eyes like the limpid sky
And lips so kissable and delicious
Leaving my thirsty mouth to dry
And making me a little ambitious.When I walk, I am aloft the road
And the sun shines brightly upon me
But when it rains, I feel like a toad
Jumping and croaking aloud with glee.I seem to see the world in another view
Everything is alive and very colorful
Like a rainbow, with many different hue
Everything is light - humored and cool.I have never felt this way before
My heart contented but racing too!
I never knew what love was afore I was living idly until I met you!
Author's Note:This was that time when I was obsessed with a pop idol from UK. I don't know if anybody still knew him--his screen name was Kavana.
PoetryPoems written long ago, When internet was still boring, When the TV was broken, When I was still a virgin-- on the ways of the world mentally; physically; And words were my only friends.