Losing Weight

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By the way to get over this fear of losing weight and fresh orange juice you need to get a goat with leprosy and give him a black top hat and make a egg comes and sells it then put it in a box and then buy a space ship on eBay and fly to outer space and find the taco cat and space burritos and bury them on the moon and dance on their grave then kiss a star and put a princess on your head and take her to Mars and fly back to the earth and head to the bar and put it in his fur and spread it around and then jump on him and bite him and when he drops his tooth from yelling try to get it before the pizza man nd eat the bully picking on the potatoes and shove the potatoes in a sack and make lowfat Hash Browns and make lowfat eggs and low fat orange juice and drink and eat them but you frgot the bacon so you go to the the barn and kill the pig and go to the moon to make it fresh and go back home and make lowfat bacon and eat and drink it while losing 500000000000000000000000 pounds and you die but lose your fears,THE END!

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