Chapter 2-Liz?

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Niall approaches me as he comes over to take his seat next to me. He takes his seat, not a word said. Does he even know that it's me? He doesn't even seem to recognize me. If Niall's not gonna say anything to me, then I'm not saying anything to him. Mrs. Adams introduces herself and then passes out papers explaining the procedures of her class. I glance at Niall to see that he doesn't even look that interested in what she's saying, and neither am I. As Mrs. Adams comes over to give us our papers, she puts them in between Niall and I. We both reach for the papers at the same timer, causing our fingers to touch. I quickly pull my hand away, blushing. I wonder if his feelings are still the same for me...

I glance at Niall to see he's smiling. I'm afraid to say hi because what if he doesn't recognize me? That'd just turn awkward. What am I supposed to say? "Hi Niall do you remember me? Your band kidnapped me and turned me into your sex slave."

"Alright class," Mrs. Adams speaks up as she clears her throat, "this is where you're gonna sit for the first semester at least, maybe even the entire year. I have not decided that yet. In the meantime, who you are sitting next to is considered your biology partner. Every time you do classwork or labs, you will work with this person. If working with them is a problem with you, please let me know and we'll see if we can work something out."

Should I ask for my seat to be changed? He seems harmless so I don't see why I should, even though I was his sex slave, he still seems like the sweet, down-to-earth guy that loved me, and I love him too. I glance over to Danielle who seems like she also zoned-out whatever Mrs. Adams was rambling on about. She looks at me than puts two fingers to her head, signaling shooting herself, being bored to death. I giggle and then go back to watching Mrs. Adams because I don't wanna get in trouble on my first day.

"Alright class," Mrs. Adams announces as she tells us our class work, "you will work on a scavenger hunt with your partner. It will ask you what page certain sections of the textbook are on. You will go through the textbook with your partner and fill out this worksheet," she goes on as she continues passing out the worksheets, "any questions?"

I remain motionless. The last time I've worked together with Niall, and that's gonna get us nowhere here. The only thing it'll get us is me pregnant. Mrs. Adams comes over to our lab table and notices my uneasiness.

"You alright?" Mrs. Adams asks me.

"Wha? Oh, yeah. I'm fine," I say, half awake, "just tired. That's all."

"Oh, alright. If you need to go to the nurse-"

"I don't," I blurt quickly before I even give Mrs. Adams a chance to finish her sentence.

"Oh, OK then. Class you may begin working now. You may listen to music if you'd like. But you must have headphones. If I hear your music, I will kindly ask you to turn it down, or, turn off your music. You may share your ear buds with your partner, I don't mind. Please begin working. You have until the end of the period to finish this worksheet."

I pull out the textbook and look at Niall. He still has yet to recognize me. Maybe it's a different Niall. No, it's him, I just know it.

"Hi," I say shyly, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Hi," Niall replies, "I'm Niall."

"I know," I say, "you don't look like you remember me. Do you?"

Niall examines me, he probably never even got a chance to get a good look at me. When he finally recognizes me, his eyes grow wide.

"LIZ?!?" Niall shouts, "is that you?" I nod, "w-what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to go to college, and, by the looks of it, I'd say that's what you came here to do and I guess we both got accepted into the same college."

"I'm not the only one that got accepted," Niall tells me.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Louis, Liam, Harry, and Zayn-"

"Zayn! What happened to him? Did he survive after Sandy shoved him overboard?"

"Yeah, he's alright now. The lads and I all got accepted here. We're all roommates. I've missed you Liz, I really have."

"I've missed you too," I smile.

Niall and I begin working together while talking about what's been going on while I've been gone. About an hour later and the bell rings, signaling the end of class.

"Alright class, have a nice day! No homework," Mrs. Adams tries to yell over all the screaming in the hallway.

I walk out into the hallway, Niall still inside. I begin to walk to history when I hear my name being called out in the distance. I turn around, trying to find out who called my name when I see Niall running up to my side. We begin walking together until I find my classroom. I tell him that I have to go but before I even get a chance to wrap my head around what's going on, I feel Niall's lips on mine. Niall pulls away and takes off to his second period class, no goodbye said. I watch Niall run away when I rub my lips, still feeling Niall's on mine. I guess I was right, Niall's feelings still remain the same for me. But has he changed at all? Or is he still the same guy I fell in love with?

Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked (Sequel To Trapped) *A One Direction Fan Fiction*Where stories live. Discover now