Chapter Five ; Lied To Me.
Juaquin A. Malphurs...."Okay Babyy Text Me When You Land, I Love You." Tammy Said As My Flight Was Being Called. " I Love You Too" I Said Right Before She Blew a Kiss and Hung Up. I Was On My Way To New York I Had To Handle Some "Business". " What's This Business You Gotta Handle? " Mama Dub Asked Me. "There's Just Somethings Tammy Don't Know and She Can't Know." I Said Before Hanging Up. I Mean At Least Not Now Exactly. I Did Something Fucked Up and Now I Gotta Fix This Shit.
Tammy S. Rivera...
"Mera, You Ate All The Ice Cream AGAIN" Tia Said As her and Mera went back and forth about the ice cream that was just full yesterday,gone today. "I Did Not!" Mera yelled shaking her head in disbelief. I couldn't help but laugh as Tia pointed out how Mera did it and how she snuck downstairs after mama cut the kitchen hours off. "Tia, Mera I ate the ice cream. I had a craving" I said as I ate some peanut butter. "Pregnant people" Mera said as she rolled her eyes with her hands on her hip. "How many months are you anyway?" Tia asked being the nosey twin and all. "Almost 2, Why?" I asked rolling my eyes at her. "Just asking" she says before running upstairs smiling. "You know she going to go snitch right?" Mera said "I'm grown Mera, not 7" I said laughing "WHO PREGNANT?! TOOTS!" I Heard Daddy yell from upstairs. He can kiss my ass. Before I Knew It seemed like everybody in the house was in the living room and in my face. "Ma, all the triplets do is sleep. When imma be able to play with them?" Mera asked with her hands on her hip. "What I tell you bout them hands on those hips little girl?" Mama said before shooing Mera off. "So You pregnant?" My Daddy asked me. I just continued eating my ice cream like I didn't hear him. "Tammy you hear your father talking to you." My Mama said. Looking at her in disbelief, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Laughing to myself I gathered my things and made my way for the door. "Tam-gco" Mama started to talk. But I just couldn't hold my tongue anymore. "Dick that good it got you changing sides ? Nah Sis. Fuck You and Him. I'm Out." I said with tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe she thought what he did was right. I'm grown as hell and he has the nerves to slap me in my face. My fucking face. I've never disrespected them like that and in all honesty I just want Quinn. So I went home packed a back, booked a flight to New York. I need To Be comforted by my man right now.
" Flight 23A boarding now" the lady over the intercoms voice said. Finally getting passed security and getting seated. My plane was ready to go and my nap was ready to be made. "Ma'am? Excuse me." I felt somebody gently shaking me. "Huh." I Said as I opened my eyes. "We've landed." The flight attendant says as I notice I'm the last person on the plane. "Thank You." Gathering my things and exiting the plane. I gather my luggage and make my way to a cab. "Where To?" The cab driver asked me. "The New Yorker." I Said as I played on my phone ignoring all calls and texts from everyone. I've never known a cab to cost more than 30.00, I should've called a uber. "Hi welcome to the New Yorker how may I help you?" The receptionist asked. "Hi, I'm surprising my fiancé and I was wondering if you could call and tell him I'm coming up. But not saying it's me?" I Say with a kind smile. "Yes. Last name please?" She Asked as she picks up the phone. "Malphurs." I Reply. "Hi, Mr. Malphurs you have a visitor can I send them up?" She says "Okay. No problem." She adds On as she hangs up. "Mr. Malphurs already seems to have company Ma'am. He said I could send you Up in 15 minutes. But I go on break Then and no one else will send you up. Room 345, Congratulations on your wedding" She says. "Thank you sooo much." I say as I take the room key and head to the elevators. Only question Going Through my head right now, is who the fuck is in his room. 🤔
Once I get outside the room door, I contemplate on going inside. Because I may be interrupting a business deal. But if its business it won't mind a little interruption. Sticking the card into the key slide an Seeing the light turn green felt like slow motion. Opening the door with a smile on my face I tiptoed in. By Stopped Dead in my tracks when I saw how messy the room looked. Baby Gap bags on the floor, women clothes everywhere, red bottom heels, earrings. None of this could be for me, because it's all unwrapped. I Leave the door open with my suitcases help, take off my heels and make my way to the master suit. "I should've know better than to trust you. I should've fucking known you was different. All this time I wasted with you! All this shit Was a lie! A fucking Game to you!" I Tell with tears coming out my eyes as I see Joseline laying next to my man belly about to fucking pop. "Tammy? What you doing here? Baby wait, lemme explain." Quinn tried to say as I just stood there taking in everything. I just walked out. Grabbing my suitcase and making my way to the elevator with Quinn right on my heels. "Tammy wait!" He kept repeating as he tried to stop me from walking. Pushing the button for the elevator I waited and didn't even pay attention or care to listen to the bullshit Quinn was about to tell me. Once the elevator came and I stepped on Quinn was on his knees by now blacking the doors from closing. "Get Up. Move.... QUINN GET THE FUCK UP AND FUCKING MOVE !" I yelled as I cried and pushed him so the doors can Close. As he fell the doors started to close and that's when I just blurted it out. "I'm pregnant...." I Said as I started sobbing completely once the doors closed._________________________________________________
My Computer Had Been Broken &&' It Took Me Months to type this in My Phone without my hand Dying. Sorry For ANY Mistakes. 😭😭 I'll try &&' update again soon. And again I'M SORRY FOR THE WAIT LOVES!
You Are Beautiful. ❤️

A Couple Of Forevers.
FanfictionTammy Rivera a Shy College Student Not Looking For Love. Just Enjoying Being Young And Being With Her Loving Family. That Is Until She Accidently Bumps Into Him. She Can't Keep Her Mind Off Of Him He's All She Thinks About, She Even Dreamed Of Him...