Dear Elvis,It's Tuesday, the day after you... died. I'm not going to school today because of that. I woke to whining and I saw you on the floor. I got my parents. We were able to hoist you up. There was vomit and diarrhea everywhere. I stayed and home with Hope, my little sister and Nikki, the oldest out of the three of us. When mom and dad came home, you weren't with them. I knew something had happened. My mom said, "Girls, we need to talk." And I knew. You were gone. You had gone to the vet many times before, but you always came back. Now you never were coming back. My mom was crying, so was Hope and I. Nikki was clearly trying not to cry, but all the tears came out. My dad was on the verge of crying but didn't let himself. He hid himself in his office. We went out to feed the chickens and my mom burst into tears again. The chickens started squawking like crazy. That is why I didn't go to school on Monday or today. Not because of the chickens, because you left. You were the one who kept me strong when I learned I had cancer. You helped me undergo my surgeries and medications. Now, you can't.