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We actually did end up watching Pretty Little Liars again. Everyday after school, we'd all catch the bus over to Jean's house and watch a few episodes before his mother would drive us home. I never really met up with either of them over the weekend, since I was too busy doing my artwork for school.

That, and I was finding hanging out with people so often to be rather tiring. I didn't dislike it, but I still definitely loved my alone time as well. If I didn't get enough time to just sit around and listen to music I think I'd go insane.

Saying that, I had no complaints when I received a text message from Jean on Saturday morning, my lips twitching up into a small smile as I read it.

'Found something you might like, mind coming over to my place?' -JK

I don't think I've ever replied so fast in my life.

'I'll be there in ten minutes!!' -EJ

I quickly got up from my desk, shoving my phone in my pocket and making my way out of the house. Once I got there Jean was already waiting for me outside, his lips twitching up into an excited smile when he saw me.

"Hey, so what's this all about exactly?" I asked, tilting my head off to the side slightly.

"It's a surprise," he said, before holding up a scarf. "Do you mind?"

"Do I- oh," I mumbled, not really sure on how to respond. "Fine, fine. You better not get me to walk into a wall or something though," I muttered, turning around so he could tie the scarf around my head, covering up my eyes.

"Why, Jaeger, don't you trust me?" he asked rhetorically, moving his hands down to my shoulders so he could guide me. "Don't worry, I'm not going to purposefully walk you into anything."

"Purposefully?" I repeated, suddenly a little more nervous about not being able to see. He started guiding me back down the driveway, causing me to become even more confused. "Where are we going exactly?"

"Well if I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?"

I groaned, deciding that it was pointless trying to get Jean to give any details and instead trying to figure out where we were going myself. For a while I had no clue, not even being able to tell how long we had been walking for.

Eventually, however, I was able to get some idea of where we were after hearing the sound of leaves crunching beneath our feet. Soon after the new sound, Jean's guiding became a little more... zig zaggy. He wasn't very good at it, though, as my arms kept getting scratched.

"Why are we in the woods?"

"Shush, you'll see," he said, excitement showing through his voice. We eventually came to a stop, and he rushed round to stand in front of me before speaking up again. "Okay, you can take it off now!"

I squinted slightly as I took off the blindfold, my vision blurred before I adjusted to the light. I threw my hand over my mouth when my vision finally focussed, excitement flooding through me.

Just a few meters in front of me was the treehouse that Jean and I used to sit in when we were kids, and although it was mostly still the same you could tell that it was quite old. "Dude, this is... oh my God."

"I know! And, hey, that's not even the full surprise," he side with a wide grin, going over to climb up the wooden ladder. "Come on!"

I quickly followed him up, somehow getting even more excited as I saw the inside of the treehouse. "Remember when we were kids and we talked about having a sleepover here? Well I thought we could do it now."

The normally bare flooring was covered in pillows and blankets, and I let out an excited squeal at the sight. I threw my arms around Jean, grinning widely. "Dude this is so cool! Thank you!"

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