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I was sitting on my bed with my crossword puzzle as a knock came at my door. "Come in" I said and in stumbled my stepfather looking like had just went to hell and came back. As usual.

"Ocean." He says as I stare at him.

For the past few months he has been making me really uncomfortable. After coming home from work, he would change his shirt then come back drunk and wreaking of alcohol.

"Ocean" he says again wanting me to respond. "Hmm" I mumbled. He came towards me and sat right beside me on my bed. Thankfully I was under the covers enough to cover my short shorts. "How you been?" He says as his breath slaps me in the face. This is what he's been doing everyday for the past few months. He would come into my room, ask me the same questions and I would give him the same response every time. "I'm OK" I say as usual. And that is it. Afterwards we would just stare at each other for the next time five minutes then he'd leave but.. Today was different. He sat closer than usual. His face closer to mine than usual.

"You know, you look exactly like your mom when she was your age." Something's wrong. He never brought up mom before. Not since the last two years. "Same big blue eyes, small button nose, pink pouty lips." He says his face coming closer. "Same big breasts" he say as he rests his hand on my thigh. "What are you doing?" I said as my voice cracks. My eyes not moving from his hand that is slowly moving towards my private. "Sshhhh. Relax sweetheart." " I squeeze my eyes shut wishing he would go away. I couldn't fight him. He was 6'4 and really muscular. "Soooo beautiful." He says as stops right beside my private. "Such soft skin" he says his other hand running up and down my arm. A shiver ran down my spine. "Are you as tight as your moth-" he is cut off by the doorbell. He sighs then slowly pulls away and without another word, he slowly gets up and stumbles out of my room, leaving me petrified. I quickly got up to lock the door.

I never slept that night. I was scared he would come back in.

I went to school that day and I couldn't focus. The feeling just couldn't go away.

"Are you OK?" My best friend Jamie asked as I stepped out of the classroom and into the halls of the university.

I've known him all my life. Of course he'd notice that I wasn't well.

"Yea I'm OK." I say looking anywhere else but his eyes. I noted that he was wearing a tight grey T-shirt and his trademark black jeans and converse. His hair looking like just woke up but it works for him. It gives him a sexy look.

"No your not." He says his eyes trying to make eye contact.

"I know" I say as walk into his chest and put my head on his shoulder waiting for him to put his arms around me.

"What's wrong?" He asks as he embraces me. A tear escapes my eye but I quickly wipe it away but he notices. "Shit. Who do I need to kill?" He says as he pulls me away holding me by my shoulders. "Who the fuck upset you?" He says.

I instantly break down remembering everything. From when he came into my room to when he tried to..... He quickly pulls me back into the empty classroom. Still holding me like I was a fragile little baby.

After a while he calms me down and I explain everything. Everything comes rushing out and I inhale deeply after I finished.

"That fucker! You are staying with me tonight" he says looking like he was thinking of ways to kill him. "Let's get some of your stuff before he gets home."

When we get to my house, he's not here and I breath a sigh of relief.

"Go get some clothes" he says as he goes into the kitchen.

I quickly shove some clothes into my bag. I check for my phone, headphones and charger and get my toothbrush and another pair of converse. I quickly run down the stairs not wanting to stay in there.

Everything else I need is already at his house.

"I'm ready." Walking into the kitchen finding Jamie on his phone typing away.

"Good. Let's get the fuck out of here." he said walking out the door and into his Black Range Rover.

On our way over the car ride was silent both of us lost in our own thoughts.

We arrive at his apartment and enter. It smells of vanilla and his Cologne.

"Do you want something to eat?" He asks. I nod realizing I haven't eaten all day. "Pizza?" He asks. I nod again and he calls the pizza places nearby.

I go and take and shower. A nice long hot one. By the time I come out Jamie heads in and I sit and watch TV waiting on the pizza that still hasn't arrived. After a while I hear a knock at the door. I get up and open it and there stands the pizza guy. "Hi. Sorry I took so long. My bike was giving me some trouble. The good news is you get it free because I took over a half an hour to get here." I smile. "Thanks" I say psyched that we got free pizza. "Have a good night" he says walking away.

Soon Jamie gets out of the bathroom. We begin eating the pizza and soon I feel sleepy so I say good night to Jamie and crash in his guest room.

I had nightmares that night and Jamie would rush into the guest room to calm me down. Then he would sing to me and wait for me to fall asleep again. It happened twice until I asked him to sleep beside me. I didn't have nightmares after that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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